Τρίτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2017

La nature à découvert par le Chevalier Inconnu 1669

La nature à découvert par le Chevalier Inconnu 1669

The material of the Elixir is male and female; she is the Sun and the Moon, Gabritius and Beya, brothers and sisters, the child of a king of an island who are but one body, and a son of a king much more powerful than their father.

Atalanta and were also daughter of a king of an island of Arcadia; she surpassed in strength and speed all that came to run with her. Being ready to marry, she met Apollo to find out what husband she was to take, and said to her, "flee the covenant of men, for your husband will cause you to lose your face without dying." Hippomenes, grandson of Neptune, asked Venus to help her design: she gave him three golden apples, picked from the garden of the Hesperides. They both ran at a speed not similar, but the beauty of the apple thrown in the middle of the race, committed Atalanta to the collected; she did the same for the other two, so that Hippomene arrived first at the end of the career and made Atalanta the price of her victory. But their eagerness made the truth of the oracle appear, for in an instant they found themselves changed into Leo. This means that the vivacity of the Mercury of the philosophers is fixed by the action of his Sulfur, which is of the same nature and of the same origin as him, and both, converted into Elixir, they make the Red Lion of the philosophers.

Climenus was also the son of the Ocean and of Thetis, who, enriched by the rays of the Sun, begot Phaeton, who, carried in his father's chariot, that is to say on mercurial water, was precipitated from a love at first sight, that is blackened. It was given to the nymphs to purge and wash it, by the imbibitions, and were changed into poplar, that is to say, fixed with him.

Cygnus succeeds this metamorphosis; darkness and obscurity past, this king, parents of newly whitened Phaeton, rises on the water and sings the glory of his death when he sees himself ready to pass into another nature more perfect and unalterable.

Medea, in love with the fires of her new conqueror, destroys her enchantments herself by contrary charms. By a soup of honey, she closed her eyes to the dragon who had not lowered her eyelids, and by the force of her worms, the bulls with ground feet which vomited flames, lowered the neck, submitted to the yoke and plowed the Field of Mars, where the plow had never entered. And finally, after so much work, Medea became the price of his victory and the glory of these enterprises. Get to know the Soul of the World to know the subject of all the wonders.

Zoroaster taught that the souls of men, being in the heavens, had wings, and that by old age the feathers came to fall to them and they rushed down here in the bodies, and after returning, they flew in the heavens. Then his disciples, impatient to go back to a place of bliss, asked him one day what they could use to make them quickly reborn: by wetting them, he tells them, in the water which flow from the four rivers whose Earthly paradise is watered. The mixture of water and earth makes salt, that of earth and air makes mercury. Mercury is the spirit and vehicle of food, and sulfur is the form and soul that gives the smell and flavor to the subject.

Universal Salt is the body of the universal Spirit, whose vivifying force is called Phoebus, which is the salt of the air; by the force of the sun's rays, Jupiter; and the one in the earth, Pluto.

My dear brother, read, meditate, and pray to Almighty God, who is the true author of nature, that he will make it known to you and its effects, and when you know it, it will not be difficult for you to reach at the desired end.

Praise God Himself .


Δευτέρα 23 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Mutus Liber το 14 έμβλημα

Mutus Liber το 14 έμβλημα

Oculatus abis - Αποχωρώντας με οξυδέρκεια (εννοεί την νέα πνευματική όραση)

Το όνειρο έχει πραγματωθεί, και η κλίμακα της επικοινωνίας με τις υποτιθέμενες σφαίρες απρόσιτη πια, έχοντας επιτελέσει την εργασία του εγκαταλείπεται ξαπλωμένος πάνω στο έδαφος.

Κατά την διάρκεια της εξέτασης μας των δεκατεσσάρων χαρακτικών, καταφέραμε να συλλάβουμε πια είναι η ανάβαση και τότε είδαμε και πια είναι η κατάβαση, η άνοδος και η κάθοδος που λειτουργεί διαμέσου του ουρανού και της γης μέσα από την κλίμακα της φιλοσοφίας.

Το συμβολικό εργαλείο, καλυμμένο μέσα στο σχέδιο από το ζευγάρι εκεί που προσεύχεται, μας δείχνει μόνον έντεκα σκαλοπάτια, αντί των δώδεκα που εμφανίζουν οι άγγελοι της αρχής, σύμφωνα με την Πραγματεία που ονομάζεται η Κλίμακα των Φιλοσόφων.

Η εργασία του Ηρακλή, ή του αλχημιστή, ολοκληρώθηκε, και ο ήρωας, λίγο κουρασμένος παρά την δύναμη του, φαίνεται σαν να κοιμάται πάνω στο δέρμα του τρομερού λιονταριού της Νεμέας, έχοντας μαζί του το ρόπαλο το οποίο από εδώ και πέρα θα του είναι άχρηστο. 

Μετάφραση από τα Ισπανικά

Δευτέρα 16 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Splendor Solis - Οι επτά Παραβολές, πρώτο έμβλημα - Οι μεταλλωρύχοι σκάβουν τον λόφο

Splendor Solis - Οι επτά Παραβολές, πρώτο έμβλημα - Οι μεταλλωρύχοι σκάβουν τον λόφο

Το πρώτο έμβλημα της δεύτερης σειράς είναι πολύ σημαντικό για την εργασία της μεταμόρφωσις.
Εκεί μας δείχνει με απλότητα ορισμένα βασικά σημεία και αρχές της εργασίας μέσα από μια απλή συμβολική την οποία θα δούμε επιγραμματικά.

Είναι γεγονός πως ο μαθητής στην αρχή της διαδικασίας της μεταμόρφωσις οδηγείται συνήθως από ένα πιο εξευγενισμένο εγώ, αλλά παρόλα αυτά ορίζεται και λειτουργεί μέσα από ολωσδιόλου φυσικές αστρικές και αιθερικές δυνάμεις.
Έτσι συναντά τον προαύλιο χώρο της Πνευματικής Σχολής εφόσον το επιθυμήσει αυτό και  αποφασίσει να αναζητήσει κάτι έξω από τον χώρο και τον χρόνο, την φύση του θανάτου.

Έτσι ανοίγονται μπροστά του δύο διαδρομές, η μία ορίζεται από το εγώ και τις φυσικές δυνάμεις ενώ η άλλη από το Φως της Γνώσις οι οποίες εστιάζονται προς το πνευματικό του σπινθήρα δηλαδή το Ρόδο της καρδιάς.

Αυτό βλέπουμε και στο έμβλημα πάνω δεξιά και αριστερά, στα δεξιά σύννεφα και μια παρατεταμένη σκοτεινότητα ενώ στα αριστερά το Φως έχει ήδη δημιουργήσει μια ένωση, μια γέφυρα με τον έκπτωτο κόσμο μας ώστε κάθε αγνός και ειλικρινής ενδιαφερόμενος να μπορέσει να βρει τον δρόμο του προς τον θησαυρό μέσα στην καρδιά του, γιατί είναι που ο Χρυσός του Πνεύματος που πρέπει να αναζητηθεί, όλη η εσωτερική εργασία βασίζεται εστιάζεται σε αυτόν.

Για αυτό και οι άνθρωποι που σκάβουν είναι ακόμη ατελείς σαν νάνοι, το εγώ είναι παρόν αλλά το σημαντικό είναι πως επιθυμεί να εργαστεί.

Με λίγα λόγια τι βλέπουμε;

Πως το Φως μας ενδυναμώνει, έχει δημιουργήσει μια γέφυρα με τον κόσμο μας και μας οδηγεί μέσα στον θησαυρό της καρδιάς, από εμάς περιμένει μια επιμελή σκληρή εργασία η οποία έχει σχέσει όπως μας δείχνει η ημισέληνος μέσα στο ποταμάκι με την ψυχή μας, είναι μια ψυχική διεργασία η οποία λειτουργεί μέσα στο φυσικό μας σώμα αναγκαστικά.

Αυτή, όπως είναι φυσικό αυξάνεται μέσα από τα πρωταρχικά ύδατα, την θηλυκή αρχή για αυτό και η ανολοκλήρωτη ημισέληνος είναι μέσα στο νερό.

Το Φως δεν μας δίνει μόνον την απαραίτητη ενέργεια για αυτήν την εργασία αλλά μας φωτίζει κατά κυριολεξία ώστε να μπορέσουμε να δούμε μέσα στο σκοτεινό ορυχείο μας.

Υπάρχουν και άλλα στοιχεία που συμπληρώνουν το έμβλημα που βρίσκονται στο κάτω μέρος του εμβλήματος αλλά δεν μπορούμε να τα εξηγήσουμε όλα από εδώ, χρειάζεται και η δική σας συμμετοχή στις ομιλίες που κάνουμε.

Παρόλα αυτά στην βάση μας μιλά πως σε αυτό το αρχικό σημείο η αρσενική αρχή, ο νους θα πρέπει να παραδοθεί στην θηλυκή αρχή, την βασίλισσα την καρδιά, τον απαραίτητο ψυχικό, αστρικό εξαγνισμό. Για αυτό και της δίνει το ξίφος του θεληματικά.

Απλό αλλά πολύ σημαντικό έμβλημα δεν νομίζεται;

Τετάρτη 11 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Basil Valentine Azoth emblem μικρή ερμηνεία

Basil Valentine Azoth emblem 

Αν και ήθελα να σας παρουσιάσω μια εξήγηση του εμβλήματος σε μια μελλοντική ομιλία παρόλα αυτά θα σας δείξω ορισμένα του σημεία εδώ, κάνοντας και πηδηματάκια.

Βλέπουμε Επτά Αρχαίους πλανήτες Κρόνος, Δίας, Άρης, Ήλιος, Αφροδίτη, Ερμής, Σελήνη.

Κάθε πλανήτης έχει και το δικό του χρώμα όπως μαύρο για τον Κρόνο, χρυσό για τον Ήλιο ή κόκκινο για τον Άρη κοκ.

Σε τρία από τα σημεία του επτάγραμου υπάρχουν τα σύμβολα των τριών Αλχημικών Αρχών Αλάτι, θείο και Υδράργυρος.

Ο Κρόνος περιέχει το σύμβολο του Άλατος και βρίσκεται στο κάτω μεσαίο μέρος και αντιστοιχεί στον κύβο που βλέπουμε μέσα στο οποίο περιέχεται η λέξη Σώμα
διότι όλη η εργασία αρχίζει μέσα στο φυσικό σώμα του υποψηφίου (Corpus).

Ενώ επόμενη αρχή που μας εμφανίζεται στο έμβλημα αυτό είναι το θείο, και είναι στον κόκκινο σημείο του Άρη. 
Αυτό μας δείχνει τη φλογερή φύση του θείου που σχετίζεται με τη δύναμη που κινητοποιεί τη ζωή και είναι μια μετατροπή ενέργειας μέσω της θερμότητας.

Η πύρωση είναι το σχέδιο που είναι ο μικρός κύκλος με το μαύρο κοράκι πάνω στο λευκό κρανίο ανάμεσα στον βραχίονα του Κρόνου και του Δία.
Η λέξη 'Visita', που είναι λατινικά σημαίνει "να επισκεφθείτε" ή το να ξεκινήσει την διαδρομή είναι απέναντι ακριβώς από αυτό το σχέδιο. 
Τα Μαύρα Κοράκια συμβολίζουν την αρχή της διαδικασίας, την Μαύρη Φάση της αλχημείας που αποκαλείται Nigredo.
Συμβολίζει την καταστροφή του εγώ και των προσκολλήσεων μας σε υλικά αγαθά.

Στο πέμπτο σχέδιο βλέπουμε δύο άσπρα πουλιά να κάθονται ή να φωλιάζουν πάνω σε ένα δέντρο, αυτό το σκίτσο αναφέρεται στην ζύμωση και η λέξη που έχει απέναντι μας λέει 'Invenies' που σημαίνει ανακάλυψη, αυτό είναι το μυστικό αποκαλυπτικό πνευματικό στάδιο μέσα στην διεργασία της αλχημείας που ένας μαθητής περνάει αποτέλεσμα της προπαρασκευής, του εξαγνισμού.
Εδώ η πνευματική αρχή εκφράζεται μέσα μας ενεργοποιώντας όλες της τις δυνάμεις, από το μαύρισμα περνάμε στο χρυσό του πνεύματος, μια άλλη συμβολική αυτού του σταδίου που μας έρχεται από τα ανοιχτά φτερά ενός παγονιού συμβολίζοντας την αρχή της συμμετοχής μας στην νέα ζωή.

Δευτέρα 9 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Splendor Solis (1532) - Δωρεάν Ομιλία - Παρασκευή 13 Οκτωβρίου

Splendor Solis (1532) - Δωρεάν Ομιλία - Παρασκευή 13 Οκτωβρίου

Splendor Solis (1532-1535)

Ερμηνεία της δεύτερης αυτόνομης σειράς που ονομάζεται 'Οι επτά παραβολές'

Οι επτά παραβολές:

05. Οι Μεταλλωρύχοι σκάβουν τον λόφο
06. Οι φιλόσοφοι δίπλα στο δέντρο
07. Ο πνιγμός του Βασιλιά
08. Η Ανάσταση έξω από το βάλτο
09. Ο Ερμαφρόδιτος με το αυγό
10. Ο αποκεφαλισμός του Βασιλιά
11. Ο βρασμός του σώματος μέσα στο δοχείο

Πριν το θέμα της ομιλίας θα υπάρξει μια γρήγορη σύνδεση με την πρώτη σειρά των 4 πρώτων εμβλημάτων
Επίσης στο τέλος της ομιλίας θα μπορέσετε να αγοράσετε ορισμένα εμβλήματα σε συμβολική τιμή.

Ομιλητής G.J.P.

Παρασκευή 13.10. - Ώρα προσέλευσις 18:30

Δωρεάν είσοδος

Ακαδημίας και Μαυρομιχάλη 1 - 6ος όροφος - Αθήνα

Πληροφορίες :

Τηλ. 6987288881 - soundzgreg@yahoo.co.uk

Το Splendor Solis δηλαδή Η Λαμπρότητα ή το Μεγαλείο του Ήλιου είναι ένα από τα πιο γνωστά αλχημικά κείμενα όχι μόνον λόγω της σημαντικότητας του, σαν ένα βασικό γνωστικό εργαλείο αλλά και επειδή περιέχει 22 πανέμορφα αλλά εμβληματικά ζωγραφικά έργα.
Το έργο αυτό θεωρείται ένα τεράστιο επίτευγμα για την εποχή του, όπως γνωρίζεται οι αιώνες αυτοί δεν φημίζονταν και πολύ για την ελευθερία των ιδεών.

Το βιβλίο αυτό μας παρουσιάζει την φιλοσοφία της αλχημείας σύμφωνα με την οποία ένα ανθρώπινο ον, ο μαθητής, ο αλχημιστής, υπάρχει και μπορεί να δράση σε συμφωνία και αρμονία με την Θεϊκή δημιουργία μέσα από μια διεργασία μεταλλαγής, η οποία του δίνεται μέσα από τα όπλα της αλχημείας.

Περιέχει επτά κεφάλαια και 22 έγχρωμα εμβλήματα τα οποία περιέχονται σε επί μέρους κεφάλαια.

Η παρούσα έκδοση που σας παρουσιάζουμε χρονολογείται στο 1582 και εντοπίζεται σε μια Γερμανική πόλη στον νότο που ονομάζεται Augsburg. Ο συγγραφέας του βιβλίου ή αυτός που το παράγγειλε μας είναι ακόμη άγνωστοι.

Μετά την ομολογουμένως διδακτική για όλους πρώτη ομιλία σχετικά με το θαυμάσιο έργο Splendor Solis, μέσα από την οποία μιλήσαμε για τα 4 πρώτα αυτόνομα εμβλήματα, θα συνεχίσουμε με τα επόμενα 7 τα οποία ονομάζονται 'οι 7 παραβολές'.

Στην αρχή είδαμε ορισμένες βασικές αρχές και αξιώματα και τώρα θα περάσουμε μέσα στην συμβολική της αλχημικής διεργασίας ώστε να την συλλάβουμε εικονικός, διδακτικός, γνωστικό επιστημονικός.
Στην αρχή της ομιλίας θα κάνω μια εισαγωγή όσον αφορά τα 4 πρώτα εμβλήματα ώστε όσοι δεν παρευρέθηκαν στην πρώτη ομιλία να πάρουν μια βασική ιδέα, αν και τα επόμενα μιλούν για την διαδικασία, αυτή χρειάζεται ορισμένες βασικές και αρχές για να πραγματωθεί, οπότε θα τα επανασυνδέσουμε όλα αυτά μαζί ώστε η διαδικασία θα απλωθεί για εσάς ευδιάκριτα.

Ο κόσμος της ανθρώπινης ψυχής είναι ευμετάβλητος και επηρεάζεται από πολλαπλές εσωτερικές και εξωτερικές δυνάμεις, η αναγέννηση για την οποία σας μιλάμε ξεκινά μέσα σε μια πολλαπλή μαυρότητα, σκοτεινότητα και για αυτό η εργασία του εξαγνισμού είναι ουσιαστική και πλήρως απαραίτητη.
Στην ουσία για αυτήν την αλχημική μεταλλαγή μας μιλάνε οι επτά παραβολές ή τα επτά στάδια της εργασίας μας.

Ελπίζω στην ενεργητική συμμετοχή σας μιας και όπως πιθανόν γνωρίζεται υπάρχει η ελευθερία της γνώμης, στο τέλος των ομιλιών μας και η εποικοδομητική συζήτηση.

Απλά θα παρακαλέσω να υπάρχει αυτοσυγκράτηση και να μην διακόπτομαι μιας και δεν διαβάζω παπαγαλία ούτε έχω μάθει την τέχνη της υποκριτικής, λειτουργώ μέσα από μελέτη, έμπνευση και συγκέντρωση.

Σας ευχαριστώ....


Κυριακή 1 Οκτωβρίου 2017

The stairs of the wise by Barent Coenders van Helpen 1686

The stairs of the wise by Barent Coenders van Helpen 1686

This is a lantern of a Sage as a shining light in his life: but the children of nature are tormented in a dark place and deprived of it.

It is true, without certain tricks, and very true: what is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that which is above, to consider the wonders of a thing.

Having carefully taken care of the things which I have spoken to you, and well considered the testimonies of the ancients, you will know well in the open, that we all agree, and that it is true what we say.

10 Ethicorum.
It seems that the opinions of the Sages are consonant. This is why it is not necessary that no one who is knowledgeable in natural things should yield that the Art of Alchemy is not true, although he does not know it, for it is enough to have witnesses such as Isocrates, Hermes and many others.

Petrus Bonus Ferrariensis.
This science is nobler than all the speculative and practiced sciences (except the law, in which the salvation of the soul is extended by divine revelation), for almost all men who intend to learn something, in which sciences they learn them because of the inclination they have for gold or silver, since it is through them that one can acquire all kinds of necessities. 
Since all things which are therefore noble of themselves, are more to be desired and chosen, than those which are noble on account of others, or by adventure, why, in so far as it is, this science surpasses all the others. But this science is learned for love of itself, because gold and silver within and not the outside, and the inquisition of truth is in it. And since it is a noble subject, to which all things obey, and which furnishes all things, it is very noble.

The same: Several ancient Philosophers affirm and learn, that this art is very true and a following of nature, and regulating nature in its own matter, to the end, according to the intention of nature, which nature alone could never reach.

The same: All the operation is natural because of the generation and the mixing, but with regard to the administration it is artificial as it appears to the cooking of the meats.

AZOTH By Basile Valentin

AZOTH By Basile Valentin

If Art could create the principles of things,
As he can accomplish enclosed powers,
And created principles, and multiply them,
Nature at the feet of Art would come to humble itself,
Instead of bending and bowing before her,
For if it has glory it is its origin.
As expert mistress, & he as expert help.
It makes its aprests (?), Of which after it serves it.
The next principles of which this great worker,
Composed of metals raw material,
And those whose elixir by art I must form.
For imperfect bodies the defects reform,
There are, in essence, uniform virtues,
Quality of service; but different in form.
Nature prepares them; and preparing them;
It makes our eyes look different.
In the center of the earth she holds her shop,
Or of admirable machinery, it assembles and manufactures,
From the first principles these principles follow;
Whose she goes forming her expert hands,
A confused mass, or by weight it assembles,
The four qualities of two sperm together.
Having mixed the dry water with the stinky mind,
Its furnace it inflames, and transmutes them,
In substance smoker, or steam that constantly,
Rise if some opposite obstacle does not lower it.
If nothing represses it by dint of stealing,
She escapes from me (?); & will train in the air
Some instrument of lightning: or the fateful aspect
Of a wandering comet, and a meteoric fire.

The Seven Chapters attributed to Hermes

The Seven Chapters attributed to Hermes 

Chapter seventh and last

...Son of the Philosophers, there are seven bodies or metals, between which Gold holds the first rank, as being the most perfect of all. 
That is why they are called their King and their Head.
The earth can not corrupt it, the burning things do not destroy it. Water does not alter or change it, because its complexion is temperate, and it is also composed of heat, coldness, dryness, and humidity, and there is nothing superfluous in it. [60] That is why the Philosophers preferred him to all the others, and they highly esteemed him, assuring us that Gold, by its splendor, was with regard to Metals what the Sun was between the stars, by its light, that it is much more brilliant than all of them.
Therefore, as it is the Sun which, by the will of God, gives birth and grow all the plants and which produces and ripens all the fruits of the Earth, Gold also contains all metals in perfection.
It is he who gives life to them, because it is he who is the Ferment of the Elixir, and without the Elixir can not be perfect....

Dictionnaire de chimie, tome 1 Pierre Joseph Macquer 1761

Dictionnaire de chimie, tome 1 Pierre Joseph Macquer 1761


Chemists use this expression to designate operations by which they cause certain bodies of the state of liquidity to that of solidity: thus it is sometimes example, to designate the crystallization of salts.

La Lumière sortant par soi-même des Ténèbres poem

La Lumière sortant par soi-même des Ténèbres poem

The Dark Chaos having emerged as a confused Mass from the bottom of the Nothing, at the first sound of the all-powerful Word, one would have said that disorder had produced it, and that it could not be the Work of a God, As it was informed. All things were in him in a deep repose, and the Elements were confounded, because the Divine Spirit had not yet distinguished them.

The epitome of chemical secrets By Pierre Iean Fabre 1636

The epitome of chemical secrets By Pierre Iean Fabre 1636

It is impossible, in my opinion, to find among the calculus of the sciences and the arts, both mechanical and liberal, none perfect at its source; they are perfected from day to day, like the embryo in its mother, which in its beginning is formless, and little by little insensibly acquires the polishing and embellishment destined by nature. Suddenly, it is impossible, it takes time to perfect the slightest thing in nature.
Alchemy, which is the mistress of the Arts and Natural Sciences, gives us enough to know: For if we contemplate it in the first centuries when men were hutted in the caves of the rocks and in the hollows of the trees, still born, and all in the abyss of Divine knowledge and intelligence, without yet making itself known to man, as being almost useless to him, not yet knowing that it was pure and impure but as soon as little by little, this spirit of life, implanted in the humid radical of man, came to lose its strength and vigor; that diseases began to be born; as soon as the man, feeling, weakened and diminished in him the vigor of life by his enemies, he began to think and meditate as sensible and intelligent, by what means and in what manner he could resist this inconvenience. 
He was known by the light of the natural and infused sciences, which his Creator had given him, that the world where he was, was all full of life similar to that which was in him, and that he could not remain for a moment without the perpetual attraction of that vital spirit which he continually attracted by means of his lungs, still sufficient to preserve his life, that he still had to draw from his food a spirit of life more fixed and solid than that which he drew from the air, and that the food he took to sustain himself his life, had already attracted to himself a quantity of that vital spirit, infused by all the elements, and had prepared him to appropriate and make their own, and that his stomach, liver, heart, and all parts of it his body worked night and day to separate this vital spirit, which was infused, both among all the elements, and among all the elementary individuals, in order to be able to maintain and preserve its miserable life.
And that with all this he could not yet avoid the misfortune of diseases; he thought, therefore, by a Divine warning, a man of science by means of which he had knowledge: firstly of this vital spirit, the principle and support of his life; secondly, he would have the knowledge of all the individuals who abounded in this vital spirit; the use of which could strengthen his life, and oppose the enemies of it. 
Thirdly, he found the means and method of separating this vital substance on the model of the natural vessels which nature had forged in itself, and in all animals, for the convenience of this separation. 
For a fourth he excused all means of preventing the weakening of that spirit of life implanted in him, so as to prevent him from succumbing to the onslaught of so many maladies, which by time had to attack him.
The whole was very powerful, and collected in this divine spirit, but the communication which it left us was very small; for in the succeeding ages, when the earth began to be populated and adorned with men, we find no vestiges by which we can understand that our first ancestors were great chemists, and knew perfectly the artifice of separating the pure of impurity, and the extraction of that vital spirit, of which the whole world is full, and of which nothing can be empty.

The Matter of the Stone and the Fire of Philosopher's In which consists all the Magisterium

The Matter of the Stone and the Fire of Philosopher's In which consists all the Magisterium

The first matter is far from which the Sages compose their universal medicine, which is their elixir or great work, and the greatest or in all natural operations; called Philosopher's Stone, is other than a compound made by nature, without the aid of art, which contains be the four elemental qualities in a temperament of equality proportional, in which subject, it reaches a certain complexion, to pass to the supreme degree of perfection of art, and of nature, and then is called Divine work.
This material does not only contain the above four qualities of which it is composed, but in this subject, which is simple in its the three kingdoms of nature, mineral, animal, and vegetable, but it derives its origin from the first which is the mineral, and then acquire the others through the operations of nature, but without help from art to the third.
Nature draws the subject of this noble substance from the delights and loves of mineral elements, pushing by the action of its universal agent, and which is center of each thing, a certain unctuous vapor, which contains in itself an admirable sulphurous quality, and by encountering on the way a certain virgin, subtle, pure land, with which it puts itself with all its parts, being bound to it, it removes it with itself, and raises it by some small canals and sluices, up to the surface of the earth, it is finally by its lightness and the own instrument of its elevated nature up to the region of the air.

Opus Mago-Cabbalisticum Et Theosophicum By Georg Von Welling, 1655

Opus Mago-Cabbalisticum Et Theosophicum In Which The Origin, Nature 
By Georg Von Welling, 1655



In the name of God we now move to a topic, which will surely earn us the censure of orthodox scholars. Many of these gentlemen believe they alone have the right and ability to teach and write about theological matters, and that priests cannot err in matters of the Law. Thus they will attack anyone who is not a member of their guild the moment he dares to speak on such topics. 
They will criticize, fault, judge and condemn in a most unpleasant manner anything he might say that doesn't conform with their ideas. And if they cannot find anything in his statement to criticize or condemn, they are mean enough to simply reject the author's work because he is not a member of their order and was not educated like them in their discipline at the best schools, which they feel gives them the privilege of speaking and writing about theology. 
However, neither Christ the Lord nor his disciples came from their order of priests and theologians, nor did Christ and his true teachers and disciples attend the top schools of theology. Rather, the disciples studied in the school of Christ and his Holy Spirit. Therefore, no upstanding and enlightened theologian would approve of the insane and downright idolatrous illusions of the orthodox heretic-makers. And so we will not expect a reasonable judgment from them, based on the rules of Christ. 
Their mocking and faulting will not affect us. 
And so, let us move on to our principle purpose here.

Philosophical and Chemical Experiences By the famous philosopher Lulle

Philosophical and Chemical Experiences By the famous philosopher Lulle

Chap. I. 

Where he is Teached, how to prepare the salt of the white and red Elixir Take, in the name of God, good sea salt because it is manufactured from the sea; take a good quantity and crush it very finely in a stone: then take Glass Cucurbites, and pour in your salt: take only well water, and let dissolve your salt in clear water; being dissolved, then distill by the filter; that is to say, hang a felt of wool or fabric, in the cucurbit; and let the other end hang in a another glass next to her, posed as if it were under her, she will fall into the water, that the felt or fabric will pull, and which must be clear as silver: and when water does drop more, look if it is very clear; if it is not, filter to into another glass, until it is clear or Crystalline: and when it is the case, put it in a pan of glass, put it on a sand fire, and let the water evaporate immediately, until it comes over it like a white salt: then take a pot of stone or pot of earth, as are the pots of drinks, and put in the water and the salt that remains, and leave on the said oven, and let the steam go, and when it begins to dry, mix it with a stick until it is very dry, otherwise it will be massed or blocked, and it will be well dried, finely ground in a stone mortar, as then put it in a melting crucible, and put it in an incandescent oven, or the said Furnace, which is an oven with which the jewelers enamel their rings: the oven being very hot, take the crucibles which are filled with salt, and put them in the oven, and leave them until they are incandescent, and be careful that they are not warmer on one side; if they are, turn them with a pair of ironer clamps: put a pot in the oven at once, which you can do for the best; and when this pot is at a glowing heat, take it out, and put it in another to be calcined.

Treaty of Du Perrier

Treaty of Du Perrier

Chapter one

Preface of the Author addressed to his son,
in which he declares the necessary to the composition 
of the Stone of the Wise

My son, after consulting with me for a long time if I were to leave in writing the secret occult of the Cabal of the Sages, the extreme old age in which I find myself made me finally resolve to give you by these lines the last pledges of my affection.
I believed that I could not leave you any greater proof than by revealing to you ingenuously, without any enigma or ambiguity of words, the entire practice of the true composition of the Stone of the Philosophers where the most desired knowledge is found and the most elevated in nature.
Now, to give you faithfully the true instruction of our industrious artifice, and to cordially discover the place where we hide the keys that can open all the doors of the Secrets of Nature, I will only tell you the things that are essential to our subject. I will not confound your mind with a number of false and superfluous words, nor with similarities and names of our simple and unique matter, which the Philosophers use in their books to instruct the true Children of Wisdom, and to turn away the ignorant and false disciples of the right path of truth.
But for me, my son, in this speech I will speak plainly and truly to you, and if I only told you what will be necessary for the composition of this wonderful work, I will certainly give you the true knowledge of our unique and precious matter. I will teach you to make the Essential Salt of Sapience, or Sulfur of the Sages, and the Mercury of the Philosophers.
I will teach you the true source of the Living and Living Water, which is the Heavenly Water of Life of the Children of Science, and teach you industrious art to purify it in the deepest center of the Well of Nature.