Δευτέρα 16 Αυγούστου 2021

The two great current challenges - work of all people today.


The two great current challenges - work of all people today.

There are two great challenges - changes that we are all facing today, the first is reshaping in a harmonious way the evolution of the universe, and man must harmonize with these forces of radiation in a conscious absolute way, but at the same time there is also around us the obscene effect of selfishness, of evil that exists and destroys everything around it on all levels from the physical to the psychological.

That is why today, as we speak to you, there are two great demands to be fulfilled, one is the development of our inner work leading to transformation, and the other, also important, is to protect us from this blackness, the degeneration of people, the tendency towards obscenity and violence.

That is why the Spiritual School raises from the very beginning the issue of conscious detachment from everything around us that hinders our inner development, whether it is our work or the people around us, our activities and engagements.

The ego cannot continue the old way of life, thinking as before, feeling and acting as a blind and spiritually handicapped person.

Calm within our professional, family life is of great importance because it provides us with a frame of reference from which we can work with the least possible tension.

Of course every material bond, every attachment to people, every dysfunction is a matter of reflection and ignition to be dissolved as an obstacle and through it we can learn, to know ourselves.

But we must not stay there, repeating the same mistakes over and over like silly little children.

We are living in expected times, the scriptures, our elder brothers have already spoken to us about all this, perhaps not in detail, since it is not always possible to predict something completely, but it can certainly be seen from the signs, from the course of each thing.

So let no one say that we have not been given the necessary knowledge of what we must do, yesterday, today, tomorrow.

About all this we speak to you impersonally, without any interest either financial or vanity, we need absolutely nothing from you since all these ego games are nothing but ghosts and illusions.

Our prayer is for all men, but it touches most of all those who are on the threshold of the first great realization, and therefore seek, perhaps not yet clearly, the one and only purpose of man's life, union with God.  

The painting is entitled 'The Light of the Soul' a work by Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn which we showed in our last exhibition, a tribute to her.

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