Δευτέρα 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

Ο Σωκράτης και ο Πλάτωνας, μάρτυρες της συμπαντικής αλήθειας

Ο Σωκράτης και ο Πλάτωνας, μάρτυρες της συμπαντικής αλήθειας

Δωρεάν για όλους.

Πήρα την πρωτοβουλία, για να κρατήσω μια επαφή με όσους εκτιμούν το έργο μου να ηχογραφήσω για εσάς όλο το αφιέρωμα του περιοδικού 'Πεντάγραμμο' σχετικά με αυτούς τους δυο πολύ γνωστούς σε όλους μυημένους φιλόσοφους.

Θα σαw δίνω τα κεφάλαια σε ηχητική εγγραφή ώστε να τα ακούσετε όποτε θέλετε.

Τα κεφάλαια είναι τα εξής :

1. Η Πλατωνική σχολή.

2. Η ανάγκη του να σκεπτόμαστε την αιωνιότητα.

3. Η φροντίδα της ψυχής με την ορθή στάση στην ζωή.

4. Τα στάδια της αληθινής κατανόησης και επιστήμης.

5. Η ψυχή του κόσμου, σταυρωμένη πάνω στο σώμα του κόσμου.

6. Οι δυο φυσικές τάξεις.

7. Η ανάφλεξη του εσωτερικού Ψυχικού Φωτός.

8. Η Πλατωνική φιλοσοφία και η Συμπαντική Αλυσίδα στην δύση.

9. Πλάτων και Μαρσίλιο Φιτσίνο.

10. Η γέννηση της αληθινής Σκέψης.

Μην χάσετε την δυνατότητα του να ακούσετε όλο αυτό το απίστευτο αφιέρωμα από το 'Πεντάγραμμο' 14 έτος, αρ. 4. 1992

Κατεβάστε τα αρχεία από εδώ :






Τα υπόλοιπα μπορείτε να τα ακούσετε και απευθείας χωρίς να χρειαστεί να τα κατεβάσετε :


Τετάρτη 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

His Dark Materials S02E04


His Dark Materials S02E04

Κύριε Σκόρσμπι, υπάρχουν δυο δυνάμεις που πάντα ήταν σε πόλεμο... μεταξύ τους, αυτοί που καταπιέζουν, που διατάζουν, που δεν θέλουν να έχουμε επίγνωση, να είμαστε φιλομαθή όντα, και αυτοί που θέλουν να μάθουμε πιο πολλά, να είμαστε δυνατότεροι, σοφότεροι, να εξερευνάμε.

Και αυτές οι δυο δυνάμεις παρατάσσονται για μάχη την στιγμή που μιλάμε.

Τετάρτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Alchemical poem 17th century - Αλχημικό ποίημα 17 αιώνας


Τα τέσσερα στοιχεία, Γη, Νερό, Αέρας και Φωτιά συμβολίζoνται ως  ευαγγελιστές, σαν Αετός, Άγγελος, Λιοντάρι και Ταύρος αντίστοιχα.

Συμβολικές μορφές των τεσσάρων πλανητών, του Κρόνου, της Σελήνης, του Ερμή και του Άρη.

Πέμπτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 1


Hope is a powerful thing.

Sometimes it's the only thing.

Our numbers are few.

Our spirit is undiminished.

If there are others out there, we'll find them.

We will.

Τρίτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Eating Meat: Some Esoteric Considerations


Eating Meat: Some Esoteric Considerations

During the course of esoteric development, the response of the physical and superphysical bodies to certain foods changes. These responses themselves,  without  some  abstract reason as motive or justification, can cause individuals to modify their diet, eliminating certain articles and emphasizing others. These dietary changes are often brought about by the very effects of serious esoteric study, because it actually begins to transform the human sheaths. The dense physical body becomes more mobile and inwardly active.  The  individual organs  become  more independent of one another, especially the heart, spinal cord and brain.

This slight increase in organ autonomy creates an unstable equilibrium which may be attributed to an indisposition or illness, whereas  it  is  but  the  consciousness of this enhanced mobility or independence of organs which formerly were not felt at all (being part of the sympathetic or involuntary nervous system), except when they were functioning abnormally.

The relation of humans to their food is only properly understood when we consider the relationship of humans to the other kingdoms of nature. Plants as a kingdom of life “work up” mineral substances into a higher organization and imbue them with life. 

The inorganic becomes organic and is permeated with life ether. While humans cannot efficiently assimilate minerals in their elemental form, they are so organized physically that they are in a position to continue the process  of  development  at  the  point  where  the plant plateaus. We may pluck a leaf or gather an apple, the organs of a plant, and develop them further within our own organization.

Animals also continue this process of further organizing plant forms. However, when humans eat  flesh  food,  they  leave  unused  those  forces required  to  process  plant  food.  Since  the  well-being of any organ consists in activating and using all of its forces, the eating  of  flesh  food  is equivalent to a person saying, “I will do without my right arm. I will bind it up so that it can’t be used.” In like manner meat eaters condemn a certain sum of forces within their organism to inactivity. The unused organizations lie fallow, are   crippled,   become hardened, and are carried through the person’s life as a foreign body. However, they remain undetected as such until the person embarks on esoteric training, whereupon the increased mobility and independence of the internal organs discloses this “foreign body” as a further source of uneasiness.

As a result of this unsettling experience, feeling the presence of an alien body within one, persons who have begun esoteric training may simply stop eating meat, not only because the sensibilities are offended, but also because it blunts a living force in them and gives the sensation that they are carrying an interior dead weight. Additional reasons for the elimination of flesh food have been fully articulated in the Rosicrucian literature. They include the following: 

(1) Greater demands made on the body to process the more highly organized animal structures, requiring more etheric and biochemical energy for digestion.

(2) Shorter retention of the life force and nutrients due to the more rapid disintegration of the animal product, resulting in the need for more frequent and/or larger meals. 

(3) Unhealthy, even poisonous and carcinogenic substances are introduced into the body’s ecology, produced as biproducts of animal metabolism (catabolites) and as wastes carried in animal blood and retained in tissue fluids. 

(4) The existence of the subtler but no less affecting residue of the animal’s desire body in the form of: 

(a) noxious chemicals generated by the animal’s unnatural treatment while living and by an apprehension of its forced death; 

(b) the tendency to feel and act in a more “animal” manner, dulling the finer human sentiments and stimulating a martial, violent, even cruel nature. Or, expressed more esoterically: Flesh foods stimulate the instinctive life of the will, which is primarily active in the emotions and passions. 

(5) Considerations of economy and practicality. The vegetarian diet is less expensive. Plant food is universally more available and renewable, has a far longer “shelf life” than flesh foods, and is far less likely to be a source of contamination and disease. 

(6) The overproteinizing of the Western diet and the companion myth of the protein-deficient vegetarian diet. 

(7) The compelling argument of land conservation, which states that a given area of crops cultivated for direct human consumption must be increased seventeenfold to feed animals that will provide an equivalent food value. 

(8) The mounting debt of destiny devolving on humanity as a life wave will require balancing the books at some later time to redress the many forms of animal abuse and offset the massive dependence on the animal life wave as a primary food source. In the final analysis, it may well be the most personal, and indeed selfish, consideration which causes many humans to stop using flesh foods in their diet. At first, we might take it on hearsay that animal meat militates against esoteric development. Accordingly, if reluctantly, we make the “sacrifice.” But once having ceased from this now atavistic habit, we will find that in every way we and all life forms are the beneficiaries. 

We discover also that the vehement resistance to the discontinuance of meat eating among the general population is based on the fear of losing certain valued basic instincts (shades of a recent movie by this title?), aggressive passions, and emotions. Men, if not women, it is erroneously said, will become less “manly” and strong, less able to cope in a threatening world. When the reality and blessings of the spiritual life shall be more generally acknowledged, humanity will realize that what is lost in the grosser instincts, blood lusts, and selfish inclinations will be immeasurably offset by enhancements of the inner life of the soul, and by the peace and freedom gained from living less adversarially and more in harmony with our total planetary environment.

Παρασκευή 2 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Επεξήγηση των Τριών Σταδίων του Μεγάλου Έργου - Νέο σεμινάριο δια αλληλογραφίας


Επεξήγηση των Τριών Σταδίων του Μεγάλου Έργου - Νέο σεμινάριο δια αλληλογραφίας

Αγαπητοί φίλοι

Η νέα μας εργασία έχει σαν στόχο την επεξήγηση των τριών σταδίων που πρέπει να βαδίσουμε πάνω στην οδό της αλχημικής μεταλλαγής.

Αυτές οι όψεις θα πρέπει να κατανοηθούν πλήρως ευθύς εξαρχής ούτως ώστε μέσω μιας γόνιμης κατανόησης να μπορέσουμε να διακρίνουμε όχι μόνο την εσωτερική τους σύνδεση αλλά και την ακριβή τους ακολουθία.

Επίσης θα ρίξουμε ένα άπλετο φως πάνω στην έννοια ''μύηση'' αλλά και πια είναι η σχέση της με την αποκάλυψη και την ανακάλυψη του εσωτερικού κόσμου της ψυχής και των συμβόλων της.

Η οδός που ακολουθούμε είναι μια γνωστική οδός, ακολουθούμε την Σοφία και τις διδαχές που αυτή μας μεταφέρει μέσα από τους πνευματικούς της καρπούς, στην αρχή μπορεί η διαδρομή να μας φανεί θαμπή ή απροσπέλαστη, αλλά με λίγη καλή θέληση, θετικότητα, πίστη, υπομονή, μελέτη και εργασία τα πέπλα θα πέσουν, τότε ο υποψήφιος μέσα από την βαθιά ανάγκη της ψυχής θα μπορέσει να προσευχηθεί στο πνεύμα το άγιο, και αυτό με την σειρά του να αυξηθεί μέσα του, μέσα από την σκέψη, το συναίσθημα και την ανιδιοτελή του επιθυμία για δράση, υπηρετώντας τον Κύριο τον Θεό του αλλά και τον συνάνθρωπο του.

Τα τρία στάδια που θα συζητήσουμε μαζί σας είναι τα εξής : Μύηση, Φώτιση και Απελευθέρωση.

Για την ενημέρωση του διαδικαστικού καθώς και για την συμμετοχή σας στείλτε μου μήνυμα soundzgreg@yahoo.co.uk

Ο Στόχος και ο σκοπός της Πνευματικής Σχολή βρίσκεται μέσα στην απλότητα

Ο Στόχος και ο σκοπός της Πνευματικής Σχολή βρίσκεται μέσα στην απλότητα

Αν θα προσεγγίσετε την πνευματική σχολή με το εγώ σας, τότε σίγουρα θα περιμένετε να σας μεταφέρει την διαδικασία της απελευθέρωσης μέσα από παράξενους, δύσκολους, περίπλοκους και επιτηδευμένους λόγους.

Αν την προσεγγίσετε μέσω μια ώριμης ψυχής τότε θα διαπιστώσετε πως ο λόγος της είναι απλός και κατανοητός και πλήρως εφαρμόσιμος, ανεξαρτήτως ευφυίας. 

Όσα σας περιγράφουμε είναι ζώσες ψυχικές εργασίες, και αυτές πρέπει να βρουν ένα γόνιμο έδαφος μέσα στο δικό σας σωματικό ψυχικό σύστημα.

Είναι λυπηρό το ότι πολλοί άνθρωποι σήμερα αναζητούν περίπλοκα σύμβολα και σχέδια και μαγικές πρακτικές μέσω των οποίων θα λάβουν απόκρυφες ικανότητες χωρίς καμία ουσιαστική εργασία πιο πριν σε κανένα επίπεδο.

Αλλά δεν είναι αυτός ο στόχος ούτε και το μήνυμα της πνευματικής σχολής.

Εμείς δεν διδάσκουμε ανώτερα μαθηματικά ούτε αστροφυσική, το θέμα μας εντοπίζεται και βρίσκεται εξολοκλήρου μέσα σε αυτό που ονομάζουμε Ρόδο και την ανώτερη πραγματικότητα που αυτό περικλείει.

Και το εγώ, και η επιστήμη του εκεί δεν έχουν καμία σχέση μιας και υπάρχουν άλλοι νόμοι και αρχές.

Δεν επιζητούμε να κάνουμε ένα καλύτερο ηθικά άνθρωπο και έναν πιο ανθρώπινο κόσμο είτε μέσω της τεχνολογίας και της επιστήμης είτε μέσω του ανθρωπισμού, των τεχνών ή κάποιου θρησκευτικής φύσης πονήματος.

Όχι ο στόχος μας είναι η έξοδος από αυτήν την φύση του θανάτου μέσω μιας μεταμορφωτικής διεργασίας η οποία μας έχει δοθεί κατά έναν αποκαλυπτικό τρόπο.

Όση εφήμερη ευτυχία και να μας δοθεί , όσος πλούτος και δόξα, δεν θα επέλθει σε ένα επόμενο σημείο ο φυσικός θάνατος; 

Και άντε πάλι από την αρχή μέσα από ένα ατελείωτο τροχό γέννησης και θανάτου.

Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2020

The initiates of the flame by Manly Palmer Hall - The illustrations with the text translated in Greek


Η Αιώνια Φλεγόμενη Λυχνία:
Να ξέρεις ότι η Φλόγα που καίει μέσα σου και φωτίζει τον δρόμο σου είναι η διαρκώς αναμμένη λυχνία των αρχαίων. Καθώς οι λυχνίες τους τροφοδοτούνταν από το καθαρότερο λάδι, έτσι και η πνευματική σου Φλόγα πρέπει να τροφοδοτείται από μια ζωή αγνότητας και αλτρουισμού.

Πέμπτη 20 Αυγούστου 2020

The initiates of the flame by Manly Palmer Hall - The illustrations with the text translated in Greek

Οι Πυλώνες του Ναού:
Αυτοί οι πυλώνες συμβολίζουν την καρδιά και τον νου, τον θετικό και τον αρνητικό πόλο της ζωής. Εκείνοι που θα εισέλθουν στο ναό πρέπει να περάσουν ανάμεσα από τους πυλώνες. Κάθε άκρο είναι επικίνδυνο. Είναι το σημείο μεταξύ όλων των πόλων που είναι ασφαλές για να σταθεί. Δεν μπορείτε να εισέλθετε στο ναό μόνο με την ανάπτυξη της καρδιάς ή του νου, αλλά μόνο με την ίση ανάπτυξη και των δύο.

The initiates of the flame by Manly Palmer Hall - The illustrations with the text translated in Greek


Το Ροδοσταυρικό Ρόδο:
Σε αυτό το λουλούδι, το οποίο ήταν ζωγραφισμένο στο κέντρο του Τραπεζιού του Βασιλιά Αρθούρου, βλέπουμε την ψυχή του ανθρώπου, η οποία μέσω του καθαρισμού και της υπηρεσίας έχει ανθίσει με όλο το μεγαλείο του Μυημένου.

Παρασκευή 10 Ιουλίου 2020

Cimelia Rhodostaurotica The Rosicrucians reflected in the manuscripts and prints made between 1610 and 1660

Cimelia Rhodostaurotica
The Rosicrucians reflected in the manuscripts and prints made between 1610 and 1660

Johann Valentin Andreae (1586), the Swabian theologian on whose writings and manifestos the Rosicrucians attribute their movement, has been sending copies of his books to Wolfenbüttel since 1642. Even if the Rosicrucian itself is an enigmatic or, as Goethe saw it, a mysterious appearance, the texts are still open. The name is puzzling. 'Rosenkreutz', Christian Rosenkreutz, is the name of the brotherhood's spiritual father. He is considered the father of the order, and the year 1604, when the tomb of this Christian Rosenkreutz was opened, as described in the Fama Fraternitatis, marks the birth of the Brotherhood of the Rosicrucians. Joost R. Ritman writes in Adam Haslmayr. The first announcer of the Rosicrucian manifestos from this hour of birth: 'It was the beginning of a great intellectual impulse that led to the formation of the first brotherhood - the Tübingen Circle. His inspirer and prophet was Tobias Hess, the spiritual heir of Paracelsus [... J. Johann Valentin Andreae was responsible for the compilation of the written statements. ' Some speak of a Reformation in the context of the Rosicrucian movement, others speak of a prophetic-chiliastic movement in anticipation of a 'new time'.
In any case, the 17th century Rosicrucian movement was an important aspect of the cultural, intellectual, and religious history in Europe at that time, and most of the spirits of that era dealt with this spiritual movement in one way or another. This controversy has continued and continues to this day. It occasionally escapes the rationality of modernity, although the movement of the Rosicrucians, in their search for the perfection of the individual and their pursuit of cosmic harmony, is itself an expression of the departure into modernity. The Herzog August Library with its collection thanks to Herzog August d.J. (1579-1666) unique collection of manuscripts and prints from the 17th century was happy to turn to this subject, well aware of the fact that behind the eyes of the printed and handwritten texts there is still a world that is not easy for everyone opens.
Erhard Kästner, director of the Herzog August Bibliothek from 1950 to 1968, said that the Herzog August Bibliothek should collect what the European spirit continues to manifest itself in. Duke August d. done, and she will continue to do so. At the same time, the Herzog August Library sees it as its task to provide insights into the history of the spirit, science and spirituality of Europe. The exhibition accompanied by this catalog is the fruit of the long collaboration between the Herzog August Bibliothek and the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. In 1994 a conference took place in Wolfenbüttel as the 35th Wolfenbüttel symposium and to a certain extent as a kick-off event for the Rosenkreuzer exhibition on the topic: 'Rosenkreuz as a European phenomenon'. On November 24, 1994, Mr. Joost R. Ritman and Prof. Dr. Frans A. Janssen from Dr. Carlos Gilly wrote the book Adam Haslmayr. The first proclaimer of the Rosicrucian manifestos presented to the Duke August Library. In this book, the 'veil' that has so far been 'above the real beginning and origin of the Order of the Rosicrucians was lifted.' Goost R. Ritman).
This catalog, printed again for the exhibition in Amsterdam, adorned with numerous photos from the Herzog August library, not only documents the history of the Rosicrucian movement, but also gives an insight into the prehistory, starting with the works of Hermes Trismegistos, his Corpus Hermeticum first appeared in print in 1471 in a translation commissioned by Cosimo de Medici. Using the richly illustrated books, prints and manuscripts, the catalog guides you through the exhibition and also shows us some documents taken from life, such as the arrest warrant against Benedictus Figulus, Innsbruck, October 31, 1612, which seeks to intervene in someone's life. The catalog guides the visitor through what the catalog itself says (p.85) is the 'thicket of the Rosicrucian book jungle' and provides guidance. The catalog and exhibition guide us through the history of a spiritual struggle for perfection and at the same time show the successes and failures of this effort. The Herzog August Bibliothek is grateful to the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam and its staff for the friendly and informative cooperation.

Professor Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
Director of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

Google translation...

Τρίτη 30 Ιουνίου 2020

The power of expression in Athens (Pentagram Magazine)

The power of expression in Athens
Above : The Temple of Hephaestus from the fifth century BC, Athene, Greece.

Impressed by the imposing old Greek buildings an onlooker is impelled to look at himself. Who have I become? How have I come into being? A trip to Athens means discovering the world within oneself. It is a path from amazement to insight because the myths, the sculptures, and the temples take the visitor  into a wider perception and far  horizons.

As a child you probably must have had experiences that you treasure  and will never forget. An experience of something sacred, of something outside of time and space. It may even give you a feeling of homesickness when you think back on it. It has a radiant place in your life and will never leave you. You cannot  give it a name. You can only savour it as a holy moment, a mystery. Then, when you become  an adult it recedes into the background  but there are moments in your life that you long for that  same experience, for the overwhelming experience of greatness, the sanctification of creation wherein you could lose yourself briefly.  And sometimes  the moment is there,  as a miracle, a meeting, an outstretched hand.

The Cyclad islands lie in a circle around  the island of Delos. For thousands of years these kind of idols were made there. Their religious meaning  is related to the even older Anatolic people’s worshipping of the mother  goddess.

Clear understanding
It is a sign of a healthy spirit to follow a logical line in all you undertake. The desire to have a goal in life is commonplace. Many people have the need for a well thought out course. Most of the time however Life itself steers us in another direction. A certain possibility comes within our reach, or not quite. Some people are very driven and able to deploy their will to grasp it, but they also they experience that  there are sometimes  gates  and roads that  are closed to them. The average human  will sigh: ‘Yes, that’s how it goes.’ But sometimes he may also rebel against it – for to understand how and why it went awry is difficult.
It turns out that  each human being must fill his own personal place as well as follow a specific direction, a course in life. At all levels, in encounters, in opportunities and in his spiritual life as well.  Strange how these  things go.

Seeking guidance
Much has been given to mankind. In the course of centuries there has been drive, inspiration, teachings  and a general contribution  to our understanding  and consciousness: the attributes necessary to become and to be a true human being. We have the examples from ancient Greece - its stories, statues  and buildings. The Greek myths tell us about  the creation of the world, of the gods and the people.   In these stories there are structures hidden regarding  the structure and the psyche of the human being. It is interesting to see that many children, also in this present time, at a certain moment are greatly interested in these stories. It appeals to something within the human being and the essential question why he is here.
A simple small white statue from the Cycladic period, arms folded and the face looking up to …  yes whereto?  … A deity? The vast universe with its stars?  As if pleading for help it looks upward, seeking guidance  on its way to consciousness. 
The statues of the Kouroi and the Kourai, sometimes quite large statues, beautifully shaped  in stone and marble, many in stone,  yes and yet there is that  secretive smile that  ripples over the stone,  like a remembrance, a deep primal soul memory.
The extraordinary temples with pillars, constructed on elevated places in-land or on the coast where wind, sunlight, blue skies and sweet fragrances play around  the pillars. Where one may look far and experience the vast space of land, sea and air. Where the earth takes the human up in a wider perception and gives him a far horizon. And there is the temple in Delphi with the inscription ‘Know yourself’.

Discovering the possibilities 
There were great thinkers, like Socrates, who wanted to shake the child-man awake and make him conscious of what lies within the human  being and needs to be developed. Like Plato, who said:  ‘Come out of your cave with its carven images into the clear light, where no shadow  exits.’
Man must get to work on himself, discover the world within. Paul, the messenger of the unknown god, speaks of Jesus the Christ on the Areopagus, in old Athens on the Hill of Justice. The Spirit-soul power that lies hidden within, as a seed, as a great possibility.
Onward the human  being must go on his own road of development with trial and error. But like the Corinthians he, too receives a letter again and again:
‘Therefore these remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love. Strive after these and receive the gifts of the Spirit. Become a new man in this way.’
What a great way of gaining consciousness  and what a long road… The Rosicrucians of the seventeenth century spoke in their Confession of a: ‘in itself-eternally-constant guideline that  will rise above all confusion and will come in place of digression and darkness.’
What is this guideline? What else can it be but the power of the rose; the help of the brotherhood? In other words: the Christ power  that moves the universe in our being? Within us the monarch  butterfly must emerge. We can start on this road ourselves and react consciously to the Spirit of God and in that  way become  an executor of God’s council.
Paul says to the Ephesians: ‘It is God’s gift.  Not from yourself.  Not from your own labours’.
These words seem to be contradictory but indicate that we are dealing with completely different values, which can only be understood rightly in a soul-evolution. In a different era Lao Tze says:  ‘He who knows himself is enlightened. He who conquers  himself is almighty.’

With the awakening of the rose of the heart,  the human being finds a new compass. In the power of the rose he tries to follow her directions. Step by step he follows the lamp that shines before his foot. All directions of the universal teachings  and the embracing and helping power  of the Spiritual School form a guiding line for many.

Kouros.  The Kouroi were in the time of the aristocracy (650-500  B.C.) the Greek ideal of manliness and of the richness of the givers. Magical powers were ascribed to them as well.

Staying the course
Across the blue shining sea Greek ships sailed out to discover the world, to exchange ideas and to trade. Sometimes they didn’t even know the way. The captain set the course, and looked at the stars for guidance.
The captain trusted  the hands, the goodwill and the experience of the crew and the strength and the quality of his ship.  The sea is often stormy, grey, threatening and dangerous.  There is a chance that the ship, the ship of life on the sea of life, gets stranded, gets damaged, and gets lost. Perhaps you follow the correct course – but is there sufficient strength and insight in your short life to complete  the work?  Perhaps you must continue the work in a next life? However, not one true deed or victory over ourselves will be nullified and the small spark of the spirit-soul consciousness cannot  get lost. This small spark will become  a benefit to the whole - to the development of each human  being. Think of the words:  ‘Truth made available through people, to people’.
Walking on the Agora in Athens, we discover the still intact temple of Hephaestus, the god of fire. An expression of beauty.  Miraculous, like life itself.

Pentagram volume 38. 2016 number 1

Κυριακή 21 Ιουνίου 2020

Γενεαλογικός κύλινδρος σχετικός με την καταγωγής του John Dee

Γενεαλογικός κύλινδρος σχετικός με την καταγωγής του John Dee  
μας δείχνει τη συγγένεια του με τους Ηγεμόνες της Βουλής του Tudor

Τετάρτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Jacob Boehme 23 Epistle to Christianus Steenberger, Doctor of Physic

Jacob Boehme 23 Epistle to Christianus Steenberger, Doctor of Physic

Our Salvation is in the Life of Jesus Christ in us.  

WORTHY, learned, Christian dear friend; all hearty wishes of divine love and grace premised: Desiring that the fountain of divine love might be opened through the Sun of Life unto you, whence the divine water springeth; as I doubt not but the Bridegroom hath called his bride, viz., your soul, to this well-spring; seeing, I understand that God hath placed you under the cross and tribulation. 

2. This is the first mark and sign of the noble Sophia, wherewith she signeth her children ; for she useth to manifest herself through the thorns of God's anger as a fair rose on the thorny bush; so far forth as the soul keepeth its vow and fidelity, for there must be a faithful and firm bond and covenant between the soul and this fire burning love of God. 

3. Man must set upon such a purpose, that he will enter into Christ's bitter passion and death, and die therein daily to his sins and evil vanities, and pray earnestly unto God for the renewing of his mind and understanding. He must be anointed and illuminated of the Holy Spirit, and put on Christ, with His suffering death and resurrection, that he may be a true branch on the vine of Christ; in whom Christ Himself worketh and ruleth, according to the internal ground of his spirit. 

4. Which mystery is comprehended in faith, where the deity and humanity are then conjoined according to that same internal ground, in manner as the fire doth through heat the iron (or make the iron red hot), and yet the iron retains its substance; but so long as the fire burneth therein, it is changed into a mere fire. 

5. Not that the creature apprehends it in its own might; but it is apprehended; when the will doth wholly resign itself up to God; and the spirit of God ruleth in this resigned will; and the will is the true temple of the Holy Ghost, wherein Christ dwelleth essentially; not in an imaginary thought-like creaturely manner, but as the fire in the iron; or as the sun in an herb, where the influential power of the sun doth form and make itself essential in [and with] the tincture of the herb. 

6. Thus it is to be understood likewise in the spirit of man, when the holy power of God doth form and image itself in man's spirit and faith; and becomes a spiritual being [or essence] which only the soul's mouth of faith, doth lay hold on; and not the earthly man in flesh and blood, which is mortal; it is an immortal being wherein Christ dwelleth in man; it is the Heaven of God enstamped on the little world; and it is a revelation of the place [throne or seat] of God, where the paradise doth again spring forth and bear fruit. 

7. Therefore the dragon must be first slain, and albeit he yet hangeth unto the earthly flesh, as the rind and bark on the tree ; yet the spirit liveth in God, as Saint Paul saith; our conversation is in heaven, and as Christ also said, he that eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, he abideth in Me, and I in him, also without Me you can do nothing.

8. Therefore I say, if any one be a true Christian, he is so in Christ, he is begotten and innate in the life and spirit of Christ; and puts on the resurrection of Christ, for thus the satisfaction of Christ is imparted to him ; and thus also Christ doth overcome sin, death, devil, and hell in him; and thus he is reconciled and united with God, in Christ. 

9. For the new birth is not a grace imputed from without; that we need only comfort ourselves with Christ's merits, and continue in the hypocrisy of sin; no, it is a childlike innate grace; that God putteth Christ with the justification on the convert; that Christ also doth redeem him in Himself, with the power of His resurrection from God's anger; else, he is no Christian, let him flatter, and make devout shows in hypocrisy, as he pleaseth. 

10. Concerning the interpretation of some words (and also of that which you desire of me) which are specified in my book called Aurora (which have very hidden meanings, the knowledge whereof was given me of the Most High), I give you to understand that at present it is not convenient to write at large and expressly thereof in tetters seeing the time is dangerous, and the enemy of Christ doth horribly rage and rave ; till a little time be past, yet I will give you a short hint further to consider of it..

11. As first, there is a twofold meaning of the northern crown; the first pointeth at the Crown of Life, viz., the Spirit of Christ which shall be manifest in the midst of the great darkness, viz., in the contrition [or distress] of the sensible nature of the conscience; where a peculiar motion is present; then cometh the Bridegroom ; viz., the power of Christ in the midst of such a motion. 

12. The other signification is a figure of the outward kingdom ; where the great confusions, entanglements and contentions, shall be when as the nations shall stand in controversy; there also is the figure, viz., the victory intimated ; as it stands in the spiritual figure; how it shall go, and what people shall at last conquer, and how in the meanwhile, in such lamentable time of tribulation Christ shall be made manifest and known ; and that after, and in that miserable time the great mysteries shall be revealed, that men shall be able to know even in nature the hidden God in Trinity, in which knowledge the strange nations shall be converted and turn Christians; and therein is signified how the sectarian contentions in religion shall be destroyed in such manifestation, for all gates will be set open, and then shall all unprofitable praters which at present lie as so many bars before the truth be done away; and all shall acknowledge and know Christ, which manifestation shall be the last, then the Sun of life shall shine upon all nations ; and even then the beast of iniquity with the whore end their days, which is signified under the characters Ra. Ra. Ra. P. in R.P. as is to be seen in the Revelation. 

13. We dare not at present make this large interpretation more clear, all will show itself; and then men shall see what it was, for there is yet clean another time. 

14. Concerning the language of nature, I certify you that it is so; but what I understand in it, I cannot teach or give another; indeed I can give a signification thereof, how it is to be understood: but it requireth much room; and there must be a.personal conference and intercourse in it, it is not to be set down in writing.

15. Also concerning the philosophical work of the tincture, its progress is not so bluntly and plainly to be described; albeit I have it not in the praxis, the seal of God lieth before it to conceal the true ground of the same upon pain of eternal punishment, unless a man knew for certain that it might not be misused ; there is also no power to attain unto it, unless a man first become that himself which he seeketh therein (enter into the new birth); no skill or art availeth, unless one give the tincture into the hands of another, he cannot prepare it unless he be certainly in the new birth. 

16. There belong two central fires unto it wherein the might of all things consist, which may easily be attained if man be rightly fitted. Therefore, sir, do not trouble and toil yourself in that manner and way which you mention, with any gold or minerals, it is all false; the best in heaven and in the world from above and below must be ingredient to it, which is far off and nigh at hand; the place is everywhere, where it may be had; but every one is not fit and prepared for it, neither doth it cost any money, but what is spent upon the time and bodily maintenance; else it might be prepared with two florins, and less. 

17. The world must be made heaven, and heaven the world; it is not of earth, stones, or metals, and yet it is of the ground of all metals; but a spiritual being, which is environed with the four elements, which also changeth the four elements into o.ne; a doubled mercury, yet not quicksilver, or any other mineral or metal. 

18. Read the Water-stone of the Wise Men (a book entitled, Wasser Stein der Weisen), which is in print; therein is much truth ; and it is moreover clear, the work is easy and the art is simple; a boy often years might make it; but the wisdom therein is great, and the greatest mystery; every one must seek it himself; it behoves us not to break the seal of God, for a fiery mountain lieth before it at which I myself am amazed, and must wait whether it be God's will. How should I teach others expressly thereof, I cannot yet make it myself, albeit I know somewhat; and let no man seek more of me than I have yet clear enough signified, and I commend you, together with all the children of God, into the love of Jesus Christ.