Τετάρτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Jacob Boehme 23 Epistle to Christianus Steenberger, Doctor of Physic

Jacob Boehme 23 Epistle to Christianus Steenberger, Doctor of Physic

Our Salvation is in the Life of Jesus Christ in us.  

WORTHY, learned, Christian dear friend; all hearty wishes of divine love and grace premised: Desiring that the fountain of divine love might be opened through the Sun of Life unto you, whence the divine water springeth; as I doubt not but the Bridegroom hath called his bride, viz., your soul, to this well-spring; seeing, I understand that God hath placed you under the cross and tribulation. 

2. This is the first mark and sign of the noble Sophia, wherewith she signeth her children ; for she useth to manifest herself through the thorns of God's anger as a fair rose on the thorny bush; so far forth as the soul keepeth its vow and fidelity, for there must be a faithful and firm bond and covenant between the soul and this fire burning love of God. 

3. Man must set upon such a purpose, that he will enter into Christ's bitter passion and death, and die therein daily to his sins and evil vanities, and pray earnestly unto God for the renewing of his mind and understanding. He must be anointed and illuminated of the Holy Spirit, and put on Christ, with His suffering death and resurrection, that he may be a true branch on the vine of Christ; in whom Christ Himself worketh and ruleth, according to the internal ground of his spirit. 

4. Which mystery is comprehended in faith, where the deity and humanity are then conjoined according to that same internal ground, in manner as the fire doth through heat the iron (or make the iron red hot), and yet the iron retains its substance; but so long as the fire burneth therein, it is changed into a mere fire. 

5. Not that the creature apprehends it in its own might; but it is apprehended; when the will doth wholly resign itself up to God; and the spirit of God ruleth in this resigned will; and the will is the true temple of the Holy Ghost, wherein Christ dwelleth essentially; not in an imaginary thought-like creaturely manner, but as the fire in the iron; or as the sun in an herb, where the influential power of the sun doth form and make itself essential in [and with] the tincture of the herb. 

6. Thus it is to be understood likewise in the spirit of man, when the holy power of God doth form and image itself in man's spirit and faith; and becomes a spiritual being [or essence] which only the soul's mouth of faith, doth lay hold on; and not the earthly man in flesh and blood, which is mortal; it is an immortal being wherein Christ dwelleth in man; it is the Heaven of God enstamped on the little world; and it is a revelation of the place [throne or seat] of God, where the paradise doth again spring forth and bear fruit. 

7. Therefore the dragon must be first slain, and albeit he yet hangeth unto the earthly flesh, as the rind and bark on the tree ; yet the spirit liveth in God, as Saint Paul saith; our conversation is in heaven, and as Christ also said, he that eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, he abideth in Me, and I in him, also without Me you can do nothing.

8. Therefore I say, if any one be a true Christian, he is so in Christ, he is begotten and innate in the life and spirit of Christ; and puts on the resurrection of Christ, for thus the satisfaction of Christ is imparted to him ; and thus also Christ doth overcome sin, death, devil, and hell in him; and thus he is reconciled and united with God, in Christ. 

9. For the new birth is not a grace imputed from without; that we need only comfort ourselves with Christ's merits, and continue in the hypocrisy of sin; no, it is a childlike innate grace; that God putteth Christ with the justification on the convert; that Christ also doth redeem him in Himself, with the power of His resurrection from God's anger; else, he is no Christian, let him flatter, and make devout shows in hypocrisy, as he pleaseth. 

10. Concerning the interpretation of some words (and also of that which you desire of me) which are specified in my book called Aurora (which have very hidden meanings, the knowledge whereof was given me of the Most High), I give you to understand that at present it is not convenient to write at large and expressly thereof in tetters seeing the time is dangerous, and the enemy of Christ doth horribly rage and rave ; till a little time be past, yet I will give you a short hint further to consider of it..

11. As first, there is a twofold meaning of the northern crown; the first pointeth at the Crown of Life, viz., the Spirit of Christ which shall be manifest in the midst of the great darkness, viz., in the contrition [or distress] of the sensible nature of the conscience; where a peculiar motion is present; then cometh the Bridegroom ; viz., the power of Christ in the midst of such a motion. 

12. The other signification is a figure of the outward kingdom ; where the great confusions, entanglements and contentions, shall be when as the nations shall stand in controversy; there also is the figure, viz., the victory intimated ; as it stands in the spiritual figure; how it shall go, and what people shall at last conquer, and how in the meanwhile, in such lamentable time of tribulation Christ shall be made manifest and known ; and that after, and in that miserable time the great mysteries shall be revealed, that men shall be able to know even in nature the hidden God in Trinity, in which knowledge the strange nations shall be converted and turn Christians; and therein is signified how the sectarian contentions in religion shall be destroyed in such manifestation, for all gates will be set open, and then shall all unprofitable praters which at present lie as so many bars before the truth be done away; and all shall acknowledge and know Christ, which manifestation shall be the last, then the Sun of life shall shine upon all nations ; and even then the beast of iniquity with the whore end their days, which is signified under the characters Ra. Ra. Ra. P. in R.P. as is to be seen in the Revelation. 

13. We dare not at present make this large interpretation more clear, all will show itself; and then men shall see what it was, for there is yet clean another time. 

14. Concerning the language of nature, I certify you that it is so; but what I understand in it, I cannot teach or give another; indeed I can give a signification thereof, how it is to be understood: but it requireth much room; and there must be a.personal conference and intercourse in it, it is not to be set down in writing.

15. Also concerning the philosophical work of the tincture, its progress is not so bluntly and plainly to be described; albeit I have it not in the praxis, the seal of God lieth before it to conceal the true ground of the same upon pain of eternal punishment, unless a man knew for certain that it might not be misused ; there is also no power to attain unto it, unless a man first become that himself which he seeketh therein (enter into the new birth); no skill or art availeth, unless one give the tincture into the hands of another, he cannot prepare it unless he be certainly in the new birth. 

16. There belong two central fires unto it wherein the might of all things consist, which may easily be attained if man be rightly fitted. Therefore, sir, do not trouble and toil yourself in that manner and way which you mention, with any gold or minerals, it is all false; the best in heaven and in the world from above and below must be ingredient to it, which is far off and nigh at hand; the place is everywhere, where it may be had; but every one is not fit and prepared for it, neither doth it cost any money, but what is spent upon the time and bodily maintenance; else it might be prepared with two florins, and less. 

17. The world must be made heaven, and heaven the world; it is not of earth, stones, or metals, and yet it is of the ground of all metals; but a spiritual being, which is environed with the four elements, which also changeth the four elements into o.ne; a doubled mercury, yet not quicksilver, or any other mineral or metal. 

18. Read the Water-stone of the Wise Men (a book entitled, Wasser Stein der Weisen), which is in print; therein is much truth ; and it is moreover clear, the work is easy and the art is simple; a boy often years might make it; but the wisdom therein is great, and the greatest mystery; every one must seek it himself; it behoves us not to break the seal of God, for a fiery mountain lieth before it at which I myself am amazed, and must wait whether it be God's will. How should I teach others expressly thereof, I cannot yet make it myself, albeit I know somewhat; and let no man seek more of me than I have yet clear enough signified, and I commend you, together with all the children of God, into the love of Jesus Christ.

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