Παρασκευή 10 Ιουλίου 2020

Cimelia Rhodostaurotica The Rosicrucians reflected in the manuscripts and prints made between 1610 and 1660

Cimelia Rhodostaurotica
The Rosicrucians reflected in the manuscripts and prints made between 1610 and 1660

Johann Valentin Andreae (1586), the Swabian theologian on whose writings and manifestos the Rosicrucians attribute their movement, has been sending copies of his books to Wolfenbüttel since 1642. Even if the Rosicrucian itself is an enigmatic or, as Goethe saw it, a mysterious appearance, the texts are still open. The name is puzzling. 'Rosenkreutz', Christian Rosenkreutz, is the name of the brotherhood's spiritual father. He is considered the father of the order, and the year 1604, when the tomb of this Christian Rosenkreutz was opened, as described in the Fama Fraternitatis, marks the birth of the Brotherhood of the Rosicrucians. Joost R. Ritman writes in Adam Haslmayr. The first announcer of the Rosicrucian manifestos from this hour of birth: 'It was the beginning of a great intellectual impulse that led to the formation of the first brotherhood - the Tübingen Circle. His inspirer and prophet was Tobias Hess, the spiritual heir of Paracelsus [... J. Johann Valentin Andreae was responsible for the compilation of the written statements. ' Some speak of a Reformation in the context of the Rosicrucian movement, others speak of a prophetic-chiliastic movement in anticipation of a 'new time'.
In any case, the 17th century Rosicrucian movement was an important aspect of the cultural, intellectual, and religious history in Europe at that time, and most of the spirits of that era dealt with this spiritual movement in one way or another. This controversy has continued and continues to this day. It occasionally escapes the rationality of modernity, although the movement of the Rosicrucians, in their search for the perfection of the individual and their pursuit of cosmic harmony, is itself an expression of the departure into modernity. The Herzog August Library with its collection thanks to Herzog August d.J. (1579-1666) unique collection of manuscripts and prints from the 17th century was happy to turn to this subject, well aware of the fact that behind the eyes of the printed and handwritten texts there is still a world that is not easy for everyone opens.
Erhard Kästner, director of the Herzog August Bibliothek from 1950 to 1968, said that the Herzog August Bibliothek should collect what the European spirit continues to manifest itself in. Duke August d. done, and she will continue to do so. At the same time, the Herzog August Library sees it as its task to provide insights into the history of the spirit, science and spirituality of Europe. The exhibition accompanied by this catalog is the fruit of the long collaboration between the Herzog August Bibliothek and the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. In 1994 a conference took place in Wolfenbüttel as the 35th Wolfenbüttel symposium and to a certain extent as a kick-off event for the Rosenkreuzer exhibition on the topic: 'Rosenkreuz as a European phenomenon'. On November 24, 1994, Mr. Joost R. Ritman and Prof. Dr. Frans A. Janssen from Dr. Carlos Gilly wrote the book Adam Haslmayr. The first proclaimer of the Rosicrucian manifestos presented to the Duke August Library. In this book, the 'veil' that has so far been 'above the real beginning and origin of the Order of the Rosicrucians was lifted.' Goost R. Ritman).
This catalog, printed again for the exhibition in Amsterdam, adorned with numerous photos from the Herzog August library, not only documents the history of the Rosicrucian movement, but also gives an insight into the prehistory, starting with the works of Hermes Trismegistos, his Corpus Hermeticum first appeared in print in 1471 in a translation commissioned by Cosimo de Medici. Using the richly illustrated books, prints and manuscripts, the catalog guides you through the exhibition and also shows us some documents taken from life, such as the arrest warrant against Benedictus Figulus, Innsbruck, October 31, 1612, which seeks to intervene in someone's life. The catalog guides the visitor through what the catalog itself says (p.85) is the 'thicket of the Rosicrucian book jungle' and provides guidance. The catalog and exhibition guide us through the history of a spiritual struggle for perfection and at the same time show the successes and failures of this effort. The Herzog August Bibliothek is grateful to the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica Amsterdam and its staff for the friendly and informative cooperation.

Professor Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
Director of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel

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