Κυριακή 27 Μαΐου 2018

Το τριγωνικό βιβλίο (triangular book) του Comte de Saint Germain

Το τριγωνικό βιβλίο (triangular book) του Comte de Saint Germain

Έχω την χαρά να έχω και την άλλη πιο σπάνια έκδοση του τριγωνικού βιβλίου του Comte de Saint Germain που στο τέλος έχει μεταφρασμένο στα Αγγλικά όλο το κείμενο του βιβλίου αυτού, μιας και αυτό είναι γραμμένο σε κώδικα. 

Σας βάζω κάποια αποσπάσματα από εκεί για να πάρετε μια ιδέα :

527 TREATISE OF CEREMONIAL MAGIC, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, WRITTEN IN CYPHER, IN FRENCH, 26 ll. cut to a triangular shape, on fol. 1 "ex dono sapientissimi comitis St. Germain qui orbem terrarum: percucurit " above a wyvern proper, the remainder written in cabalistic symbols, sheep gilt, worn, g. e. triangular (237 mm. by 237 mm. by 235 mm) c. 1750

The Comte de Saint Germain, sometimes called the Marquis de Betmar, was a celebrated adventurer whose activities extended over the greater part of the 18th Century.

This manuscript begins" La Magie sainte revelee a Moy[s]e, retrouvee dans un monument egyptien et precieusement  conservee en Asie sous la devise d'un dragon aile." It gives instructions for attaining three ends : the discovery of all treasure lost at sea; the discovery of diamond, gold and silver mines; and the prolongation of life to a century or over with  the freshness and vigour of the age of 50. A key to the cypher will be supplied to the purchaser. Only one other MS. is known of the Comte de Saint Germain, which is preserved in the Bibliotheque de Troyes and which was translated and published by the Phoenix Press at Los Angeles in 1933.

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do it at any other time but thou must carry upon thy person a figure similar to the one that thou seest here 

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Thou wilt take a clean (proper) vase, of any materiel, and thou wilt fill it with fire and thou will exorcise in the following manner :
O fire creature I exorcise thee

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by the one by whom all things were created so that thou may dispell from thee all phantoms. Bless him, o eternal fether by the glory of thy holy and permanent name, thou wlho rule throughout the centuries.
The one that thou wilt have with thee will answer. Amen.

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Thou wilt then bless the incense and four lamps in the following manner:
O eternal god, most sovereign, bless this incense snd these lsmps so that their strength end virtue may be augmented 

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for fear that their enemies may enter. Thou who live and thou rule throughout the centuries. (Respond/quickly. ?)  Amen. 

Thou will pour this blessed incense upon the fire and thou wilt light the Lamps be fore the operations. 

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