Σάββατο 26 Μαΐου 2018

The mysterious number 7

The mysterious number 7

In Revelation there are 7 churches, 7 candlesticks, 7 stars, 7 angels, 7 vials, 7 seals, 7 thunders, 7 plagues and 7 spirits of God; the Lamb has 7 horns and 7 eyes, the dragon 7 heads and 7 crowns, and the beast has 7 heads which are the 7 hills of the Whore of Babylon.

"Seven is the number of things sacred and mysterious, as the 7 veils of initiation. 

According to Philo 'nature delights in the number seven', for the astrologers know 7 planets, there are 7 stars in the Great Bear and 7 notes in music; God rested on the seventh day, a man's head has 7 orifices and his life proceeds in 7 year periods; the cycles of women and the moon occur in sevens, 28 days making the lunar month. 

'By reason of this the Pythagoreans, indulging in myth, liken 7 to the motherless and every virgin Maiden, because neither was she born of the womb, nor shall she ever bear;' "Seven is the Virgin because it is neither the product nor the factor of any other numbers in the decade, and the geometry of seven is developed from no other system of proportion nor does it give birth to any. 

Another reason is that the seventh division of a circle has an angle of just over 51.4° and 515 is the number of 'parthenos', virgin. Seven has no gender for, as St. Augustine writes, '3 is the first number wholly odd and 4 wholly even and these two make 7... Therefore is the Holy Ghost often called by this number " (...) There are 7 colors in the rainbow and 7 petals on the temple flower, the pomegranate, but the number seven is rarely apparent in physical nature, corresponding rather to the spiritual forces that regulate the cycles of time and human development. 

The gnostics drew attention to the fact that the name 'Iesous' has only six letters xhile 'Xristos' has 7 as evidence for their belief, against the teaching of the Church, that the body of Jesus was but the temporary mortal lodging of the ancient spirit of Christ...... Thus the body of the New Jerusalem is shaped according to the geometry of six, which is the image of matter, its construction simple and rational; but the construction of the geometry of seven is neither, ..."

From : City of revelation By John Michell

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