Κυριακή 18 Ιουνίου 2017

How can we truly be one? (Lectorium Rosicrucianum)

How can we truly be one?

The ‘Rosycross’ is a name that has always been used and abused.
Catholics, amongst whom are the Jesuits, have seized it.
Those practicing sexual magic have called themselves Rosicrucians, but also idealists, utopians, chiliasts, pansophists, freethinkers, alchemists, occultists, tarot practitioners, cabalists, and practitioners of all sorts of magic, from white to black, have called themselves Rosicrucians.

As Rosicrucian pupils, we find ourselves in very diverse company! Using this name is like sailing under all kinds of colors.
We must explain to seekers who we are, and to which Rosycross we belong.
In addition, we should neither associate with, or rather we should clearly dissociate ourselves from all groups and movements that are not worthy of this name.
With all due respect, the great and fundamental differences should never be obscured.
Thus, we are standing before a specific work that is rooted in a living initiation organ, a living body.
In it, different aspects and organs can be distinguished. The basic unit in which, and from which, we work, is the Center.
The Centers will be receiving the entire attention of the National Directorate, the Presidium and the International Spiritual Directorate.
In addition, we will strive for integration of the work among the pupils, the members, the youth and the public activities.
In other words, there will be open communication and interaction among all these aspects of the work.
How do we depart from this point to undertake our common work?
How do we accomplish our spiritual unity and striving? How can we be truly one?
Each of us represents one of the facets of a jewel with 49 faces.
Each of us reacts primarily to one of the 49 rays of the seven temples.
These are also called the seven golden circles, and represent the fullness of the brotherhood of life.
Thus we achieve the link with the universal brotherhood, and on this basis, we are one. This fact should be seen in us! With this magnetic fullness and wealth, adorned with this sparkling string, we must approach people in order to link them, one by one, with this new magnetic dispensation, in order, in this way, to enable them to drink from the cup of the New Testament, in imitation of the Christ!

In this way, we must together stand in the work in the new era.

As 'new-age' people, we ourselves must polish our jewel, the primordial atom, until the whole jewel is again sparkling in all its splendor.

Lectorium Rosicrucianum

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