Σάββατο 27 Μαΐου 2017

Secret Symbols of the 16th & 17th Centuries emblem

Secret Symbols of the 16th & 17th Centuries emblem

The noble and costly Stone, Misterii Magni and Lapidis Philosophorum. In this Stone lies hidden what God and Eternity, Heaven, Stars and Elements have and are able to do. There hath been none finer nor more precious than this one from all Eternity, and it is offered and given from God to men in his merciful love, and everyone who so desires may get it, it is a stone unsightly to look at, but has in it the power of the entire Godhead.
For compounding and perfecting it one needs 2 central Δ , in which the power of all things abides; in it must be the very best in heaven and in the world itself, from the upper and lower spheres, which is from far and near, everywhere it can be proved but not everyone is qualified to do so.

By steady attendance on the fire and managing it in the right way, one can putrefy, regenerate and perfect the one Universal-Materia in one container and furnace; by one single management of the fires, and Nature does all the work itself, by means of a fire existing within itself, this fire being aroused and revived through the other Philosophic fire. So also the Laborant may have nothing else to do besides attending on the fire, pray God for His blessings and benedictions.
With true reason we say that it is Nature itself which rules this art through boiling in its fire and own container. Nature, as far as it is governed by Heavenly things, till the work be done and even thereafter. But the will is free and may leave Nature to control the result of the work, and set a certain limit beyond which Nature will not go. Since the will rules Nature it should also attract it, but if the will does not attract and is itself subjected to Nature, Nature will go beyond the purposes of the work and destroy the same.

Η σήψη δηλαδή η θυσία του εγώ, ο ηθελημένος θάνατος εν ζωή μέσα από την διαδικασία της αγιοποίησις προσφέρει την έξοδο από τον τροχό της γέννησης και του θανάτου, δηλαδή την ανάσταση στο νέο πεδίο ζωής. Σπείρουμε μέσα στο φθαρτό αλλά εγείρουμε ένα πνευματικό σώμα.

Για αυτόν τον λόγο η Λίθος μας είναι το ευλογημένο Ρόδο, ο Χριστός μέσα μας, η μόνη Θεϊκή κληρονομιά μετά την πτώση που παρέμεινε μέσα στον προς μιας κατώτερης σωματικής δημιουργίας άνθρωπο. 

SPIRITI DAMNATI Το καταδικασμένο Πνεύμα
TERRA DAMNATA Η καταδικασμένη Γη

Γιατί Εσύ θα ανάψεις το κερί μου: ο Κύριος ο Θεός μου θα φωτίσει το σκοτάδι μου. Ψαλμός XVIII. V. 28

For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. Psalm XVIII. v. 28

Colos. 2. v. 3. In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

3. εν τω οποίω είναι κεκρυμμένοι πάντες οι θησαυροί της σοφίας και της γνώσεως

Ephes. 1. v. 10. That he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth: even in him

10. εις οικονομίαν του πληρώματος των καιρών, να συγκεφαλαιώση τα πάντα εν τω Χριστώ και τα εν τοις ουρανοίς και τα επί της γης.

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