Σάββατο 13 Απριλίου 2019

Leadbeater and sexual magic

Leadbeater and sexual magic

Στην δίκη του Leadbeater σε μια στιγμή είχαν φρικιάσει από αυτά που ακούγανε από αυτόν, με το φυσικό αποτέλεσμα να διακόψουν την συζήτηση, αν βγαίναν παρά έξω τότε η ζημιά για την Θεοσοφική Εταιρία θα ήταν πολύ μεγάλη.
Πριν κάποιο χρόνο τα σχολίασα όλα αυτά, να που ξαναήρθαν σε μένα μέσα από άλλες έγκυρες πηγές, πόσο δεν θέλω να έχω δίκαιο αλλά....

Some of Leadbeater's critics within the TS were convinced that he was teaching sexual magic, or tantra, which they automatically equated with black magic. They chose not to make this claim public for fear of the damage it would do to the movement, but they circulated privately within the TS documents arguing the case.

The two principal exponents of this view were E.L.Gardner, the eminent British Theosophist, and Rex Dutta, an English Theosophist, who produced his own Theosophical journal, Viewpoint Aquarius. The horror with which these two, and those who agreed with them, viewed any suggestion of tantra was based on HPB's teaching that it was practiced only by the most debased, and black, of occultists, the dugpas. The differences between schools of tantra, and the theory behind them was generally ignored, or misunderstood by the Theosophical critics. [160] Any form of occultism which involved sexuality, let alone homosexuality, could only be evil.


The only Anglican organisations to which he is known to have belonged seeming most unlikely sources. It is possible that, through his link with the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, a controversial (at the time) body which attracted many eccentrics of the ritualistic variety, he came into contact with some (probably informal) group of Anglican "boy lovers". Certainly, the Confraternity was alleged to have immoral associations as far as its critics were concerned, the ideal of celibate clergy leading to general assumptions of sexual immorality, usually with women, but also with boys. (162]

However, if Leadbeater's sexual teachings cannot be traced directly to a religious organization, it may be possible to trace them to two sources of influence: oriental tantra, to which Leadbeater was exposed in India, and (directly in later years, but perhaps indirectly in earlier) to an occult organization specifically concerned with sexual magic. This was the Ordo Templi Orientis (the Order of Oriental Templars, generally known as the OTO), to which reference has been made previously in this paper.

The OTO was divided into nine grades or degrees, with a purely administrative tenth degree. These generally followed a semi-Masonic model. The first six grades were conferred ritually, the first three being similar to the first three degrees of Masonry. The next three were based on interpretations, of Masonic symbolism. The seventh, eighth and ninth degrees concerned sexual magic, but were conferred without ritual, the initiates simply being given written instructions. The eighth degree taught an
autosexual technique - called by one commentator on the degree "magical masturbation" [163] - and the ninth heterosexual magic based on the traditions of Bengali tantra.

Από το κεφάλαιο :
35. C.W. Leadbeater and Homosexual Tantra

Esoteric Schools Within The Theosophical Movement
A paper presented to the Theosophical History Conference San Diego, June 1992 by Dr. Gregory Tillett

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