Τετάρτη 28 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Appendix από τα δώδεκα κλειδιά του Basil Valentine (Ερμητικό Μουσείο)

Appendix από τα δώδεκα κλειδιά του Basil Valentine (Ερμητικό Μουσείο)

Η εκτύπωση του Hermetic Museum των Δώδεκα Κλειδιών περιελάμβανε ένα σύντομο προσάρτημα με έμφαση στις τρεις όψεις που εμπλέκονταν στην πρακτική των δώδεκα ''κλειδιών''. 
Εδώ δίνεται ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην ερμηνεία του αλχημικού έργου μέσα από το Παρακελσιανό δόγμα των ''τριών αρχών'' - το άλας, το θείο και ο υδράργυρος, και μας δίνεται ένα έμβλημα για να τραβήξει την προσοχή μας στη σημασία του αριθμού τρία στο έργο.

Το φλασκί περιέχει το τρίγωνο και τα τρία φίδια των τριών Αλχημικών Αρχών που περιβάλλουν τον διπλό ερμητικό δράκο - τόσο στην φτερωτή-αιθέρια (πτητική και πνευματική) όψη όσο και στη γήινη-σωματική (σταθερή και υλική) μορφή του.

Ίσως είναι ενδιαφέρον το να δείτε την τριπλή εμφάνιση των συμβόλων στο Δώδεκα κλειδιά ως κατοπτρισμό -

ένα άλας, συστολική, περιοριστική, κρυσταλλική τάση, μια θειούχα, επεκτατική, ακτινοβολούμενη, διαλυτική τάση,

και μια ερμητική, ροή, διαπλεκόμενη, δυναμική ισορροπία δυνάμεων, η οποία πάντα επιδιώκει να εξισορροπήσει την αντίθετη ενέργεια του αλατιού και του θείου σε οποιοδήποτε εξωτερικό φαινόμενο ή εσωτερική εμπειρία.

Από : Τhe Hermetic Journal 37 Edited by Adam McLean 

Κείμενο από το βιβλίο

A short Appendix and clear Resumption of the foregoing Tract concerning the Great Stone of the Ancient Sages

I, Basil Valentine, brother of the Benedictine Order, do testify that I have written this little book, wherein, after the manner of the Ancients, I have philosophically indicated how this most rare treasure may be acquired, whereby the true Sages did prolong life unto its furthest limit.

But, notwithstanding that my conscience doth bear me witness in the sight of the Most High, before whom all concealed matters are laid bare, that I have written no falsehood, but have so exposed the truth that understanding men can require no further light (that which is laid down in the theoretical part being borne out and confirmed by the practice of the Twelve Keys), yet have I been impelled by various considerations to demonstrate by a shorter way what I have written in the said treatise, and thus cast further light thereon, whereby also the lover of the desired wisdom may obtain an increased illumination for the fulfilment of his desire. There are many who will consider that I am speaking too openly, and will hold me answerable for the wickedness that they think will follow, but let them rest assured that it will be sufficiently difficult, notwithstanding, for any thick-headed persons to find what they seek herein. At the same time the matter shall be made clear to the elect. Hearken then, thou follower of truth, to these my words, and so shalt thou find the true way !

Behold, I write nothing more than I am willing to hold by after my death and resurrection! Do thou faithfully and simply lay to heart this shorter way, as hereinafter exhibited, for my words are grounded in simplicity, and my teaching is not confused by a labyrinth of language.

I have already indicated that all things are constituted of three essences – namely, mercury, sulphur, and salt – and herein I have taught what is true. But know that the Stone is composed out of one, two, three, four, and five. Out of five – that is, the quintessence of its own substance. Out of four, by which we must understand the four elements. Out of three, and these are the three principles of all things. Out of two, for the mercurial substance is twofold. Out of one, and this is the first essence of everything which emanated from the primal fiat of creation.

But many may by all these discourses be rendered doubtful in mind as to what they must start with, and as to the consequent theory. So I will, in the first place, speak very briefly concerning Mercury, secondly concerning Sulphur, thirdly concerning Salt; for these are the essence of the Matter of our Stone.

In the first place, you must know that no ordinary quicksilver is useful, but our quicksilver is produced from the best metal by the spagyric art, pure, subtle, clear, and glistening, like a spring, pellucid even as crystal, free from all dross. Hence make water or combustible oil. For Mercury was in the beginning water, and herein all the Sages agree with my dictum and teaching. In this oil of Mercury dissolve its own Mercury, from which the water in question was made, and precipitate the Mercury with its own oil. Then we have a twofold mercurial substance; but you must know that gold must first be dissolved in a certain water, as explained in my second Key, after the purification described in the first Key, and must be reduced into a subtle calx, as is mentioned in the fourth Key. Next, this calx must be sublimated by the spirit of salt, again precipitated, and by reverberation reduced into a subtle powder. Then its own sulphur can more easily enter into its substance, and have great friendship with the same, for they have a wondrous love towards each other. Thus you have two substances in one, and it is called Mercury of the Sages, but is yet a single substance, which is the first ferment.

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