Δευτέρα 13 Αυγούστου 2018

The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life By Mariam S. Mir

The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life  By Mariam S. Mir

We have to unveil and deconstruct the ego in order to integrate and value it in ourselves. 
We have to awaken to its essence rather than judging it by its actions. 
This is not a psychological endeavor, nor has it much to do with thinking or talking, it is rather experienced in discipline of a spiritual practice. 
Deconstructing the ego is what the spiritual path is about; the rest is pretty much commentary. 

As Abu Said Ibn Abi Khayr put it: 

Until college and minaret have crumbled This holy work of ours will not be done Until faith becomes rejected and rejection becomes belief. There will be no true Muslim. (Abusa'd Abul Kha'ir, 25) 

Instead of investing all our energies into questioning whether the male is uniquely culpable by his nature or if he is as prone to error and act in ignorance and self-righteousness as the female half of our human creation, we may be better off to simply acknowledge mistakes, which have caused much suffering, despair and hurt; as testified by the state of the world today. 
Only by acknowledging that something went wrong, that we have lost our equilibrium, lost our balance, are we able to learn from our mistakes and discover the meaning for why they happened. 
Only by assessing where we are currently located, are we then able to change direction. It is not that our world does not work due to our past, but rather because of our lack of being present. 
Our life as a whole is in such disarray because we are unconscious of the desires, wants, drives and aspiration of the ego, which conflict with our intentions and commitments.

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