Παρασκευή 1 Ιουνίου 2018

Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer (Secret Symbols Of The Rosicrucian's) and the 40 illuminated engravings

Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer (Secret Symbols Of The Rosicrucian's)  
a list of the 40  illuminated  engravings

The Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer consist  of 40  illuminated  engravings,   together  with accompanying text;  the engravings  themselves  are placed  in the following order:

Fig.  1.  The title engraving,  a secret figure  with the signatures of the Rosicrucians.

Fig.  2.  The  holy  trinity,  represented  magically,  kabbalistically and theosophically

Fig.  3.  A figure  with  the  title  Mysterium  Magnum,   studium universale,  in the middle a philosophical sphere,  in the centre of which the portrait of the Savior in an oval figure with the Signo Mundi in his hand, borne by two angels. On the right, a double golden eagle with the sun,  at its side a radiating  signate star, representing  the red tincture.  On the left a double  silver  eagle with the moon,  at its side the white tincture.  Below  the golden Order  Cross  of the  Rosicrucians,  surrounded   by  the  virtues Faith,  Hope,  Love and Patience,  all of these linked by a ribbon, to be worn on the breast as a symbol of the Order,  with a great deal of description  added.

Fig.  4. A secret figure of the beginning and the qualities of the 4 elements.

Fig.  5. A kabbalistic  and philosophical figure of the miraculous number 3.

Fig.  6.  A philosophical and theosophical figure  of the miraculous number 4.

Fig. 7. The theological light, or a fivefold representation of God and man. 

Fig. 8. Threefold figure of the three worlds, three suns and three times 7 planets in the world. 

Fig. 9. A kabbalistic, theosophical and philosophical figure, the divine and natural light, in the guise of a double candelabra, with many descriptions added. 

Fig. 10. A threefold figure, the uncreated eternity, and uncreated primum mobile, and the created finite primum mobile, also representing the elemental world. 

Fig. 11. Figura cabalistica, of the miraculous number 1. 2. 3. 4. and the philosophical colors, as also the secret fire. 

Fig. 12. Figura cabalistica, representing the true ground of the miraculous numbers 1. 2. 3. 4. 

Fig. 13. A similar one de septenarii Mysteriis. 

Fig. 14. Presents the secret cross rose of the Rosicrucians as the best exegesis of Holy Writ. 

Fig. 15/ 16. Figura cabalistica, representing the theoretical and practical parts of all secrets locked in the number 7, and in the figure of a round mirror. 

Fig. 17. Represents, by means of a mysterious cross with signate stars, eternity, as it becomes nature and time, with much description added. 

Fig. 18. The book with the seven seals; Apocal. 

Fig. 19. The book with the seven seals opened, together with the explanation of the number 666. 

Fig. 20. Figura Theosoph-Cabal-Mag-Philosoph-et Chymica, representing the philosophical and chemical work in pictures and in colors; in the figure of a cup, to imbibe wisdom from it. 

Fig. 21. The Sophia or the heavenly and earthly Eve, the mother of all creatures. Beneath the figure a secret seal, with 25 figures showing the entire philosophical work with all colors and secret words used by the philosophers, surrounded by the words: Videamini Collegium ad spiritum sanctum, and at the sides: sub vmbra alarum tuarum P. F. Consummatum est; below we read: O Harpocreates diesmal und nicht mehr. 

Fig. 22. Scala philosophorurn cabalistica, rnagica, atque arbor naturae de quinarii numeri quaternarie, Quinarii, Septenarii, or the catena aurea

Fig. 23. Fourfold mirror of the ground of nature. 

Fig. 24. A secret figure of the divine and natural being in the guise of a breastplate, together with the trifolio philosphorum. 

Fig. 25. A philosophical, theosophical and chemical figure, of the 3 principles and 3 realms, animal vegetable and mineral. 

Fig. 26. Figurative form showing how in this world there is a threefold world in one, namely how in this earthly sun world, the heavenly and the infernal world also have their influences. 

Fig. 27. The principles of light and darkness, represented by the 7 planets. 

Fig. 28. The Principia of God in the outer world. 

Fig. 29. Representation of the human heart, of the old and the new creature. 

Fig. 30. 9 figures of the divine being. 

Fig. 31. The philosophical heaven, or table of the lower astronomy, essential for every philosopher. 

Fig. 32. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, with its roots springing from three worlds, or studium universale. 

Fig. 33. Poculus pansophicus. 

Fig. 34. Mensa coniunctionis et transmutationis metallorum, together with an image 12. figur. coelest. figura, hominis, 7. planetas continens. 

Fig. 35. Homo microcosmus, together with 4 other figures. 

Fig. 36. The multiplication of tincture under the image of the new Jerusalem.

Fig. 37. Theosophical-philosophical and chemical figures of the Rosicrucians, of the 4 elements, together with 3 principles, furthermore the holy fire, burning heart, sphaerae sapientiae, and the Cross. 

Fig. 38. Tabula vniversalis Theosophiae mystica et cabalistica Christianismi catholici; a very profound figure. 

Fig. 39. 12 tables, representing the 12 apostles based on the 12 gems in Apocalyps. 21. 

Fig. 40. A brief discourse on philosophy and the highest being, representing the great Arcanum.

Bibl.: Missiv 1783

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