Σάββατο 3 Μαρτίου 2018

Symposion series Lectorium Rosicrucianum - Boehme, Paracelsus, Bruno, Fludd, Eckartshausen and many more


Symposion series Lectorium Rosicrucianum - 
Boehme, Paracelsus, Bruno, Fludd,  Eckartshausen and many more

In 1998 the Lectorium Rosicrucianum started a new initiative: symposium days for members and interested parties at the Renova conference center. The symposia were and often are dominated by a theme or an inspiring one from the history - old or recent - of the Gnosis. But modern thinkers are also discussed; thinkers who in their contemporary way explore the way of inner liberation and put it into practice. In the course of time that initiative was taken over by the Rosicrucian Foundation and expanded to a large number of locations in the Netherlands. The Symposium series contains the texts of the symposia. As one of the highlights, the symposium called by the Wereldhar t is seen, in which for the first time in history seven different esoteric societies found each other in a joint joining of forces at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Their aim was and is to connect society as much as possible with the Light that illuminates the inner self and moves the heart. In the course of years, forty or so bundles have appeared, which provide an impressive insight into the spiritual compassion of the first two decades of this century. Each collection bears witness to the dedication and depth with which the numerous speakers have expressed their insight.

Book brochure Pentagram bookstore Rozekruis Pers 2017
On October 24, 2017 the beautiful newest book brochure of Pentagram bookstore was published, containing all current titles from the publishing houses Rozekruis Pers, De Morgenster and In de Pelikaan. The introduction follows.


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