Κυριακή 25 Μαρτίου 2018

Anima from : Lexicon alchemiae sive dictionarium alchemisticum by Martin Ruland

Anima,  from : Lexicon alchemiae sive dictionarium alchemisticum by Martin Ruland

Anima : As the philosophers conceive three principles, Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury, so also they conceive three other divisions-Soul, Spirit, and Body, not that the Soul and the Spirit are to be distinguished as cattle from men, but by way of similitude. 
The Soul is nothing else but a living, formed Body, that is turned into Mercury, and when this is done to the dead Body and Spirit, then the whole is made living Elixir. 
Therefore, do not make a mistake, when the philosophers speak of one Soul instead of two Souls, for it is all one thing. 
The Mercury has in itself the Soul, and is called our Mercury, which is the house and dwelling of the Soul. 
Also the Soul is called Spirit, and the Spirit is called Soul. 
The Spirit produces the Soul from the Body, and returns it when it is white. 
Therefore, it is called the Life of the Soul --- Vita Anima. 
Should the Spirit depart from the Soul it could not give the life. 
The Soul unites and conjoins the married, Body and Spirit; so the Spirit unites the Soul with the Body, so that it is all one thing. 
There are two Souls --- one of gold, the other of silver. 
The Soul of the gold must remain, and cannot do so without the Spirit, nor yet the Spirit remain without the Soul. 
There must be fixed, abiding, undying Souls. 
At first the Soul lies hidden under the Spirit; finally, the Soul and Spirit remain hidden under the Body. 
Then dost thou first behold pure Mercury. 
Through the crude Spirit is the mature Mercury taken away from the released Body, which is a fixed ash remaining behind to be dissolved further. 
Out of this is extracted a petrine, incombustible Olitet or Gum, which vivifies, unites, and welds the natures together, and as they separated the natures through the Spirit, accordingly through the Soul they unite them again. 
This Olitet preserves the colour of the Spirit even to thickening. 
Then is it fit for the production of royal weapons and metallic figures. 
It manifests itself as golden in golden and as argentine in silver. 
The Soul's ascent is when the Body becomes white, clear, and fluid. 
Immediately they are one and living. 
Then is there danger. 
If the Soul escapes or burns it is lost. 
So is the Soul quickly given to the Body and takes shape. 
The Soul proceeds out of the unified Body; she is herself the living body, and is called REBIS, Putrid Water, Corruption of the Dead, Blood and Blood Water, Lymph, the Animal Stone, Blessed, Blood, Sulphur, Olitet. 
The Soul is a simple thing, which sometimes has power to bring the Body with it.

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