Πέμπτη 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

The Way from Darkness to True Illumination by Jacob Behmen 1622

The Way from Darkness to True Illumination by Jacob Behmen 1622

The distressed Soul's Course.  

The distressed soul began its Course now under the patient Suffering of Christ, and depending solely upon the Strength and Power of God in it, entered into Hope.

Thenceforth it grew stronger every Day, and its evil Inclinations died more and more in it. So that it arrived at length to a High State or Degree of Grace; and the Gates of the Divine Revelation and the Kingdom of Heaven, were opened to, and manifested in it.

And thus the Soul through Repentance, Faith, and Prayer, returned to its Original and True Rest, and became a Right and Beloved Child of God again; to which may He of His Infinite Mercy help us all. Amen.

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