Σάββατο 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Robert Fludd By William H. Huffman 2001

Robert Fludd By William H. Huffman 2001

Book 2 


Of the false wisdom, spurious Philosophy and Philosopher; with their marks or characters 

. . for this reason therefore we find, in the one of the two kinds of wisdom, the fruits of power, virtue, and miracles, such as the true and divine Philosophers did produce by the Omnipotent Cornerstone (I mean the true Wisdom) in times past, and made them manifest to the world; whereas the other can do nothing indeed but produce cavillings, dispute, contentions and fallacies, the fruits whereof, in the conclusion, is naught else but vanity. It is not I, but the Spirit of Truth that assures you thus much. 

And yet now, even in this later age of the world, in which Satan, the prince of this world which is darkness, has the upper hand; this terrene wisdom or vain Philosophy, which is daubed over with dark ignorance, has the dominion or upper hand, and so by the means Christ, which is the true Wisdom, is daily crucified among some Christian Philosophers, and buried in darkness, through the misty and ambiguous clouds of that cavilling, brabling, heathenish Philosophy, which they so adore and follow, with their Master Aristotle, as if he were another Jesus rained down from Heaven to open to mankind the treasures of the true wisdom ...

I could heartily wish, that each Christian Peripatetic, who spends his time in disputes and cavils, after the Aristotelian manner ... seriously ... call to mind that in the Church of God, and habitations or kingdoms of the true Sophia, or, if they please, Philosophia, there is no such custom as the Apostle teaches us, for this mixtion of multiform human wisdom with the wisdom of God has been the occasion so many dissentions and discords, as have sprung up among the Philosophers of this world, whereupon every kind of this false Philosophy has, by stiff cavillations and disputations, maintained her Sect. 

There also has been the occasion or errors in the Church of God, as well among the Christians as Turks and Jews, for amongst us Christians it has been the root of many Schisms and Heresies, which have risen up in the re-search of one only true God, which is the eternal Unity ...

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