Τετάρτη 17 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Hitler's Master of the Dark Arts By Bill Yenne

Hitler's Master of the Dark Arts By Bill Yenne

At the heart of the evil of Nazism was Hitler’s “witch doctor,” Heinrich Himmler, and his peculiar and deadly organization with the mundane name Schutzstaffel, literally “protective squadron.” Undoubtedly you know them better as the feared SS, the very essence of Nazism. Their threatening double lightning bolt is perhaps the most dreaded symbol of the Third Reich.

'In her 1977 book The Nazis and the Occult, Dusty Sklar mentions that she learned of secret U.S. government interviews with SS men who observed human sacrifices at Wewelsburg. According to C. Scott Littleton, an anthropology professor at Occidental College in California, SS men were beheaded, and their blood was drunk from the severed heads as part of a ritual related to the "Secret Masters of the Caucasus:'

Στη τοποθεσία Paderborn hills, βρίσκεται ο πύργος Wewelsburg ο οποίος ήταν το μαύρο Κάμελοτ του Himmler

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