Δευτέρα 15 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Free Masonry. Its Pretensions exposed in faithful extracts of its standard Anthers; with a Review of Town's Speculative Masonry: its liability to pervert the doctrine

Free Masonry. Its Pretensions exposed in faithful extracts of its standard Anthers; 
with a Review of Town's Speculative Masonry: 
its liability to pervert the doctrine




Having devoted much study to the subject of Free Masonry, I am. thoroughly convinced that
the ancient landmarks are removed, that our old custums are irreparably infringed, and the established usages of the Art are in utter confusion, bringing great discredit upon the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, end concealed daggers of infidelity to the hearts of the brethren. 

It becomes my bounden duty, as a faithful brother, to make an effort, in the words of the Master's charge, "to correct the irregularities of the less informed brethren ; to fortify their minds with resolution against the insidious foe, and to guard them against every allurement to vicious practices.
"-See Preston's Illustrations of Masonry, p. 78. and the Free Masons Monitor, p. 76. 

Fearless of her whose name is Mystery, and whose light is Egyptian darkness, it is done affectionately, brethren, with respect to you. It will present you strange and unexpected facts, with approved Masonic authorities for them, in every case faithfully and amply quoted. Accept the work ; ponder it ; and may Immanuel, God with us, ever be with those, who with simplicity of heart receive truth in the love of it. 


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