Κυριακή 12 Νοεμβρίου 2017

La Philosophie céleste By Louis Grassot 1803

La Philosophie céleste By Louis Grassot 1803


Where he is treated of God, Nature and its principles; the union of the Creator with the Creatures; the relationship that is established between the Microcosm and the Macrocosmos; from the return of all Creatures to Unity their principle, through the intermediary of Man.
Followed by the Apology of the Hermetic Work, where the door of the true natural Philosophy is fully open, and all its operations unveiled.




We must know the principle before all things.

It is advisable to know the unity before the number, the father before the son; We must therefore know God before all things, if we wish to begin with the principle and the cause, before we descend to the effect; it is the true means of establishing a solid foundation, and of penetrating into the most occult things. As the end is always proportionate to its principle, and if the principle is good, the end is the same; I begin with the true principle to achieve the goal that I proposed myself.

Many philosophers consider nature, but very few find a conforming feeling; all, however, flatter themselves that they have attained the desired end, and support their sentiment stubbornly, persuaded that they are, to have the truth and the reason for them: let's look for no other causes than in the varieties which offers us nature, whose objects present themselves to us from infinitely varied points of view; for just as the cube, without ceasing to be, can present to the eyes of the one who changes it from the face, to know: the top part instead of the bottom one, the front part for the back part and the sides, so nature, without ceasing to be the same, was able to discover in the eyes of a philosopher, a truth that another will have grasped from a very different point of view.

It can not be denied that there is only one principle, which is eternal, infinite, which occupies the center in all things, and manifests its power to infinity; this great difference, which is found in creatures, is a proof of its infinity; since this single principle, manifested by the production of things, and having gone out of itself, has produced an infinite number of creatures. This principle is the cause of all essences, and the being of all beings.

All natural compounds are changed into one another, by a continual revolution, author of their principle; and the principle is always the same: it can not be altered or changed; it is he who changes things as their sole motor; he alone is stable and permanent; everything revolves around him, like a wheel around his axle, and this movement will last until the renewal of all things; for then the center will be at the circumference, so that all will be equal for eternity, and this equality will make harmony; and peace will be in things renewed, because they will have nothing contrary to fight, everything being luminous in the center and the circumference.

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