Κυριακή 12 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Blavatsky about magic from Lucifer, in May, 1888

Blavatsky about magic

Magic is a dual power nothing is easier than to turn it into Sorcery an evil thought suffices for it. Therefore while theoretical Occultism is harmless, and may do good, practical Magic, or the fruits of the Tree of Life and Knowledge, or otherwise the ‘Science of Good and Evil’, is fraught with dangers and perils. 

For the study of theoretical Occultism there are, no doubt, a number of works that may be read with profit, besides such books as the Finer Forces of Nature, etc., the Zohar, Sepher Yetzîrâh, The Book of Enoch, Franck’s Kabalah, and many Hermetic treatises. These are scarce in European languages, but works in Latin by the mediaeval Philosophers, generally known as Alchemists and Rosicrucians, are plentiful. But even the perusal of these may prove dangerous for the unguided student. 

If approached without the right key to them, and if the student is unfit, owing to mental incapacity, for Magic, and is thus unable to discern the Right from the Left Path, let him take our advice and leave this study alone; he will only bring on himself and on his family unexpected woes and sorrows, never suspecting whence they come, nor what are the powers awakened by his mind being bent on them. Works for advanced students are many, but these can be placed at the disposal of only sworn or ‘pledged’ chelas (disciples), those who have pronounced the ever-binding oath, and who are, therefore, helped and protected. 

For all other purposes, well-intentioned as such works may be, they can only mislead the unwary and guide them imperceptibly to Black Magic or Sorcery—if to nothing worse.

Lucifer, in May, 1888

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