Κυριακή 1 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Treaty of Du Perrier

Treaty of Du Perrier

Chapter one

Preface of the Author addressed to his son,
in which he declares the necessary to the composition 
of the Stone of the Wise

My son, after consulting with me for a long time if I were to leave in writing the secret occult of the Cabal of the Sages, the extreme old age in which I find myself made me finally resolve to give you by these lines the last pledges of my affection.
I believed that I could not leave you any greater proof than by revealing to you ingenuously, without any enigma or ambiguity of words, the entire practice of the true composition of the Stone of the Philosophers where the most desired knowledge is found and the most elevated in nature.
Now, to give you faithfully the true instruction of our industrious artifice, and to cordially discover the place where we hide the keys that can open all the doors of the Secrets of Nature, I will only tell you the things that are essential to our subject. I will not confound your mind with a number of false and superfluous words, nor with similarities and names of our simple and unique matter, which the Philosophers use in their books to instruct the true Children of Wisdom, and to turn away the ignorant and false disciples of the right path of truth.
But for me, my son, in this speech I will speak plainly and truly to you, and if I only told you what will be necessary for the composition of this wonderful work, I will certainly give you the true knowledge of our unique and precious matter. I will teach you to make the Essential Salt of Sapience, or Sulfur of the Sages, and the Mercury of the Philosophers.
I will teach you the true source of the Living and Living Water, which is the Heavenly Water of Life of the Children of Science, and teach you industrious art to purify it in the deepest center of the Well of Nature.

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