Κυριακή 1 Οκτωβρίου 2017

The stairs of the wise by Barent Coenders van Helpen 1686

The stairs of the wise by Barent Coenders van Helpen 1686

This is a lantern of a Sage as a shining light in his life: but the children of nature are tormented in a dark place and deprived of it.

It is true, without certain tricks, and very true: what is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that which is above, to consider the wonders of a thing.

Having carefully taken care of the things which I have spoken to you, and well considered the testimonies of the ancients, you will know well in the open, that we all agree, and that it is true what we say.

10 Ethicorum.
It seems that the opinions of the Sages are consonant. This is why it is not necessary that no one who is knowledgeable in natural things should yield that the Art of Alchemy is not true, although he does not know it, for it is enough to have witnesses such as Isocrates, Hermes and many others.

Petrus Bonus Ferrariensis.
This science is nobler than all the speculative and practiced sciences (except the law, in which the salvation of the soul is extended by divine revelation), for almost all men who intend to learn something, in which sciences they learn them because of the inclination they have for gold or silver, since it is through them that one can acquire all kinds of necessities. 
Since all things which are therefore noble of themselves, are more to be desired and chosen, than those which are noble on account of others, or by adventure, why, in so far as it is, this science surpasses all the others. But this science is learned for love of itself, because gold and silver within and not the outside, and the inquisition of truth is in it. And since it is a noble subject, to which all things obey, and which furnishes all things, it is very noble.

The same: Several ancient Philosophers affirm and learn, that this art is very true and a following of nature, and regulating nature in its own matter, to the end, according to the intention of nature, which nature alone could never reach.

The same: All the operation is natural because of the generation and the mixing, but with regard to the administration it is artificial as it appears to the cooking of the meats.

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