Τρίτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2017

La nature à découvert par le Chevalier Inconnu 1669

La nature à découvert par le Chevalier Inconnu 1669

The material of the Elixir is male and female; she is the Sun and the Moon, Gabritius and Beya, brothers and sisters, the child of a king of an island who are but one body, and a son of a king much more powerful than their father.

Atalanta and were also daughter of a king of an island of Arcadia; she surpassed in strength and speed all that came to run with her. Being ready to marry, she met Apollo to find out what husband she was to take, and said to her, "flee the covenant of men, for your husband will cause you to lose your face without dying." Hippomenes, grandson of Neptune, asked Venus to help her design: she gave him three golden apples, picked from the garden of the Hesperides. They both ran at a speed not similar, but the beauty of the apple thrown in the middle of the race, committed Atalanta to the collected; she did the same for the other two, so that Hippomene arrived first at the end of the career and made Atalanta the price of her victory. But their eagerness made the truth of the oracle appear, for in an instant they found themselves changed into Leo. This means that the vivacity of the Mercury of the philosophers is fixed by the action of his Sulfur, which is of the same nature and of the same origin as him, and both, converted into Elixir, they make the Red Lion of the philosophers.

Climenus was also the son of the Ocean and of Thetis, who, enriched by the rays of the Sun, begot Phaeton, who, carried in his father's chariot, that is to say on mercurial water, was precipitated from a love at first sight, that is blackened. It was given to the nymphs to purge and wash it, by the imbibitions, and were changed into poplar, that is to say, fixed with him.

Cygnus succeeds this metamorphosis; darkness and obscurity past, this king, parents of newly whitened Phaeton, rises on the water and sings the glory of his death when he sees himself ready to pass into another nature more perfect and unalterable.

Medea, in love with the fires of her new conqueror, destroys her enchantments herself by contrary charms. By a soup of honey, she closed her eyes to the dragon who had not lowered her eyelids, and by the force of her worms, the bulls with ground feet which vomited flames, lowered the neck, submitted to the yoke and plowed the Field of Mars, where the plow had never entered. And finally, after so much work, Medea became the price of his victory and the glory of these enterprises. Get to know the Soul of the World to know the subject of all the wonders.

Zoroaster taught that the souls of men, being in the heavens, had wings, and that by old age the feathers came to fall to them and they rushed down here in the bodies, and after returning, they flew in the heavens. Then his disciples, impatient to go back to a place of bliss, asked him one day what they could use to make them quickly reborn: by wetting them, he tells them, in the water which flow from the four rivers whose Earthly paradise is watered. The mixture of water and earth makes salt, that of earth and air makes mercury. Mercury is the spirit and vehicle of food, and sulfur is the form and soul that gives the smell and flavor to the subject.

Universal Salt is the body of the universal Spirit, whose vivifying force is called Phoebus, which is the salt of the air; by the force of the sun's rays, Jupiter; and the one in the earth, Pluto.

My dear brother, read, meditate, and pray to Almighty God, who is the true author of nature, that he will make it known to you and its effects, and when you know it, it will not be difficult for you to reach at the desired end.

Praise God Himself .


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