Κυριακή 20 Αυγούστου 2017

The Woman of the Apocalypse - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis and Its Call in the Eternal Present, Vol. 4 By Jan Van Rijckenborgh

The Woman of the Apocalypse
The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis and Its Call in the Eternal Present, Vol. 4
By Jan Van Rijckenborgh
The seven headed dragon with the ten horns is brooding on the earth. With its tail it wipes out a third part of the stars in the sky. lt's bat-wings are set with eyes: it rules the earth.

The Woman of the Apocalypse is cloaked with the Sun, she is standing on the Moon and the serpent, and she has a garland of twelve stars around her head. She is the Brotherhood, fleeing to the desert with the child, the young Gnosis, the new link in the golden chain of Brotherhoods, to save it from the dragon. Then she offers the child up to the hands of the Father, to the crown, the all-seeing eye, which admits it behind the veils of the All.

The Arch-Father is standing to the right of the Woman. He is the divine creative impulse, who emits power; he keeps the zodiac, in the shape of a ring, in his hand. The serpent, with its tail in its mouth, coils itself twelve times around the ring. The Arch-Father points at the Arch-Mother: he pours his power into her. She receives it, and for that reason her hands resemble a receptacle. She is the one who offers resistance, she is Saturn, time, restriction; that is why she carries an hour-glass on her head. Their garments form a curtain, that is drawn back for the Sun, which is the central Christ- principle: Wo one comes to the Father but by me.' That is the reason why the child, too, is lifted up from the spheres of the Sun. In the All-Father we also find the symbol of yang and yin, the complete unity, the circle: the Sun sends its rays throughout the All.

The straight path for the gnostic pupil is the rood through the middle arch, the human life-field, via the soul towards the Christ. Then there is also the contact with the All-Father: 'Whoever sees me, has seen the Father.' To merge fully with the All-Father signifies the end of all materiality.

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