Δευτέρα 19 Ιουνίου 2017

The Development of Anthroposophy since Rudolf Steiner's Death: An Outline By T.H. Meyer,Paul V. O'Leary

The Development of Anthroposophy since Rudolf Steiner's Death: An Outline 
By T.H. Meyer,Paul V. O'Leary

World War II dramatically  speeded up technological  and cultural developments. 
The mechanization  of death on an industrial  scale and the wholesale  slaughter of civilians by aerial bombing especially the bombing of Hiroshima    and  Nagasaki- released  asuric  forces  into  the  world  prematurely, forces which have now become part of our everyday life. Our ethical standards  continue to remain far behind our technological  achievements.
Steiner  forewarned  his  audiences  about  World  War I and the high likelihood  of a second,  larger conflagration. 
He also warned  that every new spiritual  impulse which enters evolution  faces the danger  of being turned  into its opposite.
The ultimate  purpose  of National  Socialism, the  polaric  counter-inspiration to Anthroposophy,  was the  annihilation of the Abrahamic  peoples,  to wipe  out the roots  of Western  Christian culture, of which  Anthroposophy   represented  an  esoteric  part,  and  to thwart the revelation  of the return of Christ in the etheric.
Although  the revelation  and  conceptual framework underlying the Second Coming was initially to be revealed through the Germanic peoples, it then ought to have spread throughout  humanity. 
The two world wars can be better viewed  as a single  conflict  waged  against  the Second  Coming  by the Sun Demon Sorat and the spiritual beings through whom he worked and continues to work: Lucifer, Ahriman, the Asuras, and their cadres. Thus, the twelve-year  Reich was only part of a far broader phenomenon of evil attacking  humanity  throughout  the twentieth  century  and continuing  to the   present   day.   Karmic   connections,   already   in   disorder   at the beginning  of the century, were further confused,  delayed, distorted, and prevented  by  the  millions  upon  millions  of dead  and injured  in  these apocalyptic  catastrophes. 
Has there  been a wide-spread experience of the  Etheric  Christ?  Did  the  end  of  the  twentieth century  produce a powerful  wave of  spirituality  brought  upon  by  the  return  of former Platonists uniting with reincarnating  Aristotelians? 
From the perspective of Rudolf  Steiner's time, the powers opposing the conscious  experience of the Second Coming seem  to have made great  progress in their mission. 
Steiner warned  us: "Evil will approach  the people  of the fifth post -Atlantean  Age  in all possible  forms, doing  it in such a way that people will have to resolve the nature, the essence, of evil in a scientific way.
On the other hand, it is just through such experiences  of loss, betrayal, imprisonment, powerlessness, and death that one's "I"  will develop the  spiritual   capacities  needed  to  courageously oppose  and overcome these powers in the future

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