Τρίτη 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

The Cosmic Seed - David Wilcock, The Ascension Mysteries Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil By David Wilcock

The Cosmic Seed - The Ascension Mysteries Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil 
By David Wilcock

The Cosmic Seed

Another scientific revolution occurred just a month before the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study, in September 2013. It was too late to include the data in The Synchronicity Key, but I certainly wish I could have. I can still see every detail of the plane I was sitting in when I read “A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics” in Quanta magazine.6 Even though we were still climbing in altitude, I wanted to unbuckle my seat belt and run up and down the aisle, shouting with joy and amazement. So many years of scientific research and journalism had paid off—in a way I honestly had never expected would happen. Hundreds of puzzle pieces snapped together in my mind, and for the first time I was able to see the grand solution that unified them all into a single, complete whole.
Most of us believe that the universe originated in a “Big Bang.” In this model, we are taught that “in the beginning, there was nothing.” Then, this “nothing” became “something.” In fact, “nothing” supposedly created all the matter in the universe in a single, sudden explosion—i.e., a “Big Bang.” It is obviously very problematic to tell us that “nothing exploded,” and in that one moment the entire universe was created. We
still come back to the core problem, which is that science is telling us that we get something out of nothing. If we can accept this idea, then why would matter only be created once, at the very beginning of the universe? Why wouldn’t there be an ongoing transformation of some form of invisible energy, or “nothing,” into the matter that we see today?
The Big Bang model was given scientific support by the black hole theories of Stephen Hawking. However, the Big Bang is still an unproven assumption. Hardly anyone is aware that Hawking’s own senior professor, Sir Roger Penrose, was working on a very different theory about the origin and nature of the universe. Hawking and Penrose have publicly debated about their two models for many years now, but Penrose’s concepts have been completely ignored by the media. Penrose was studying the movements of energy we see at the quantum level and looking for a hidden pattern that unified them. He found compelling evidence that everything we see in the universe —all space and all time—was being formed from a single point, moment by moment. This would mean that there is no space, no matter, no energy, and no time as we know it  —only “distortions” of this one single point. The beginning, middle, and ending of the universe all exist simultaneously.
The story gets even weirder when we see that Penrose believed this “point” was actually an odd-looking three-dimensional geometric shape, made predominantly out of triangles, as you can see here.

        Sir Roger Penrose’s Model of a Universal Geometric Seed

Penrose was working on the math to prove that this is how the universe works, and he had made compelling progress, but he hit a brick wall. His theory sat around as an intriguing but unproven scientific mystery until Nima Arkani-Hmed and Jaroslav Trnka, two scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), reopened the investigation. Through a staggering feat of mathematical genius, they were able to prove that Penrose’s basic idea was correct—he just didn’t have the right shape. 
By finally getting the math right, these scientists effectively proved that the universe as we know it does not exist. It behaves like a hologram: it appears to be solid and three-dimensional but nothing is really there. This also means if we zoom into the quantum level deeply enough, we will ultimately find a single “particle” that is making the entire universe— including all space and all time. This “particle” looks like a group of four triangular pyramids, or tetrahedrons, that have all been stuck together:

Although we see 100 to 400 billion galaxies in the universe, and potentially 100 billion billion Earth-like planets—a hundred watery worlds for every grain of sand on Earth—we now have proof that they are all emanating from this single geometric shape. The universe becomes like a vast tree with countless branches that all grew out of a single seed that is almost impossibly small. And, as confusing as this may seem, the
seed is all that really exists. The tree is only an illusion. There is no beginning and no ending. The seed and the tree coexist at the same time.

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