Τρίτη 23 Αυγούστου 2016

Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae (Amphitheater of Eternal Wisdom) by Heinrich Khunrath

Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae by Heinrich Khunrath


The SOUL,  free from the mass of blameworthy  cares, sober and sound in a healthy body, Mistress  of [her] vices and Ruler of [her] affections, in control of herself and having  Theosophically  acquired  a complete  knowledge of herself, justly undertakes  to understand  and explain the secrets of the whole created Universe (because she is a  particle of  the  DIVINE breath of the CREATOR of the  Universe), to be united with good Spirits; to recount things past, contemplate  Present Events,  [and] presage  those to come; and ultimately to Divinely represent the father and the mysteries of the father (with the father's illumination),  as if in a mirror. Summary:  Our penitently  washed and purified Mind joined  with the SPIRIT OF GOD'S WISDOM, TheoSophically raised up with wings, and sublimated,   by  the fire of Divine love, to the αγιαστήριον  [Hagiasterion]  that is,  the Sanctuary  of good Spirits, or of GOD'S Angels, (which  can be done by a man, as much waking  as sleeping), receiving them  Cabalistically, experiences Spiritual things, contemplates supercelestial things,  [and]  sees  many  Physical  things,  from  and  in hyperphysical  things (not only through themselves but also with the senses and intermediary  sensible  things).  
Moreover,  her inferior powers being asleep and absorbed, that is, in ecstasy, or rapture or caught up into highest GOD,  she experiences  the highest, that is, Divine things; she sees and ineffably  grasps ALL THINGS.

It has been pleasing to add here the introduction  of  Hermes Trismegistus (who was inspired by the Divine Spirit) to the Pimander on account of the excellence  of its Doctrine:

As, he says, I was thinking  about the Nature of things, and was directing the acuity of my  Mind towards higher things, the bodily senses already being dormant  as is wont to happen to those who from excess of food or fatigue are plunged into sleep, suddenly  there seemed to appear to me some being with a body of immense size who, calling me by my name, cried out in this way:

'What is  it,  Oh  Mercury, that you  wish to learn and understand? 
I  am Pimander,  Mind of Divine Power;
see what you want;
for I will be with you everywhere. 
And I [said], 
I wish to learn the nature of things. and to know GOD.  
To this Pimander  [replied], embrace  me with your Mind,
and I shall teach you in all the things that you choose.
'When he had  said this, he changed form,  
and suddenly revealed the universality of things.

Holy Cyprian,  Epistles,  Book 9, Letter 9 says, I remember  what has been shown to me, and that the LORD deigned  to reveal [them1 to me among [all] the rest, nor must they be taken as ridiculous  and inept visions. as when Joseph's brothers said about him: Behold,  the dreamer  cometh. So says Cyprian.

And this judgement of the brothers  about their brother?  Enough  scoffing!  No wonder [then], if [my] worldly  brothers absurdly  bring this same judgement against me. Whatever may be the case, it nevertheless   remains certain that those to whom Goo reveals [things]  (whether  indirectly  or directly), must not be taken for idle dreamers. Cicero [says], There is  something in us which presages  and Divines. 

What is it? The Mind, presaging  of good or ill. I have set aside more examples,  as much from our time, as from antiquity,  for a more suitable place; for which we have, with very extensive  gathering,  studiously reserved many things. In place of a colophon,  I add this [verse] from Julius Cesar Scaliger's  books of Epidorpides, on the truth of dreams:

He who denies true dreams, speaks in a dream,
For we have not once but most frequently observed,
That it is a very rare night that passes without [dream]-perception.

Most versed in the truth, I have adduced  these things,  not for my sake, but for the Thomists.  Oh what is happier than he who is free of all cares! 

Text from the book : Ora et Labora Vol. 2 By Peter Forshaw

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