Τρίτη 26 Απριλίου 2016

Regarding this, the Rosarius


Regarding this, the Rosarius

Regarding this, the Rosarius gives us a great speech, saying: There are three Stones and three Salts of which the whole magistery consists, namely, a mineral, a vegetable, and an animal; and there are three Waters, a solar, a lunar, and a mercurial.
Mercury is an earth mineral, the Moon a plant containing two colors, a white and a red one ;
and finally the Sun is assigned to living creatures because it comprises all three constituents. It is called the great prodigy and the ammonia of the Wise; the Moon is called a plant because the alkaline Salt is prepared with it; Mercury is called mineral because common salt comes from it, which dissolves gold and silver and transmutes the ore, (that is, the metallic Electrum of which the materia of the Philosopher's Stone consists) from corporeality into a spiritual essence.

KETMIA VERE (Compass der Weisen)

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