Σάββατο 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

The Concept of Universal Remedy

The Concept of Universal Remedy

-Master, yesterday, I listened a debate very carefully about whether we should reveal our skill to people when we judge it right so as to treat those in need or not. What do you think about this?

-I would say that firstly we must wonder what is the motivation for such an action and whether this action stems from our personal feelings or spontaneously and naturally comes out of our Spiritual Being.

As you know man is fundamentally ill because he has been born of this fallen nature. That's why his body wears down, ages and as a consequence it has a natural end. First of all, when we invoke the Light (because it is the Spirit who heals and not the man) to apply a treatment it would be necessary to know, above all, whether the patient has a deep faith in God and if he is aware of the real causes of his illness, because whatever a healer makes will be temporary and he can not intervene at the deeper reasons of the disease caused to this person.

Thus our aim is not only to urge him through our treatment to be aware of the existence of the therapeutic light inside him but also to help him to walk the path towards God with certainty and determination.
That's why the Master of all Life when He healed someone told him severely "Go and do not sin again ".

But as you might know this kind of treatment is neither our mission nor the main purpose of our action. The greatest service to our fellow man is to walk the path we ourselves because only by this particular action the radiations of the Gnosis (Of the Light) penetrate inside us and diffuse around us.

It is very difficult for the natural-born man to understand the dynamic of such a trans-formative action because these vibrations are of inconceivable strength and quality. 
What many people do not know is that the Spirit while it constantly radiates all these wonderful forces of salvation, these are not personified by man because they are of a neutral impersonal nature. This is the main effect of the first ray of the Holy Spirit which awakens the Spiritual Element in man and disrupts it from the sleep of death. 

These forces do not correspond in vibrations with this material field of life but when we all walk the path of salvation and transform our physical body through this pure process of transformation, we can transform this Power  not only within people but also in the deepest foundations of this world into this unholy astral fire of this natural order that literally controls and manipulates the majority of people universally.
An important aspect is also our effort to clean this astral sphere from its inconceivable filth since the era we live in, this space is extremely dangerous as it is directed by the rulers of this world -those rulers that the Gnostic's call "Aeon's".

That is why ,my dear friend, we should deal this kind of treatment with seriousness and we must decide to practice it after lot of thought, because our aim is much bigger and more glorious than to simply correct some flaws of a man's consciousness and of his physical body. 
Our aim is to give him all the necessary help so as to enable him to change fundamentally his whole being.

That is what we call Universal Therapy.

-But Master, explain to me which is the cause of illness to man?

-The reason is very simple and I could explain it in a few words but I will give you some more details.

As I have already said we are born of this nature's materials so we are torn , imperfect, problematic and perishable. But if you exclude all our inborn weakness, we constantly supplement our illness through our daily lives. 
Do you know how this happens?
It happens because of our dis-harmonic way of life and action, which is completely opposed to what the Spirit reveals to us, all our consciousness, our thoughts and feelings are driven by the ego of an self-preservation. 
Thus, there is a conflict between our thoughts and feelings with those of others, so many physical, psychological or financial problems are created.

The universe currently evolves through enormous forces of inter-cosmic radiations.
So our illness is created because we do not harmonize the essence of our life with this evolving plan for the man and the world.
These liberating radiations are intended to transform our physical body completely, but they operate as all things in a double way.

When we act positively  to these radiations they liberate us but if we oppose to them the consequences are terrible. 
The negative effects, mainly, are expressed through confusion, absurdity, tension, violence so our body gets ill, our heart or our immune system usually gets ill and many kinds of cancer are born.
Man ignores of all these my friend and this is one of the biggest problem that we must resolve for him. 
And this is an important factor that will help the future humanity to find the true path as a spiritual being and not to fall again as it was done at the end of the Atlantean era under the human stage.

The universal Therapy from the Spirit is intended to make it possible for a student to enter into a new, completely, other nature's life field through a Living Psychic State.

This therapeutic activity firstly explains to the student's awareness what is not appropriate in this healing process so that he can remove it.
This treatment is absolute and it resembles auto-psychoanalysis as it reveals the causes of our problems by stripping them and revealing our entire ego ; that is why the Light of God is usually stated, symbolically, as a wondrous mirror.

Anyone who continues to live and to be driven by the ego of this nature will never be able to be driven in this revelatory process.
As we know the Light of God initially is absorbed by our astral body so as to enable the student to recognize his imperfection, thus his astral body communicates, influences with that of his fellow men and in consequence with all the life field around him.
So in time all these pure astral energies that diffused inside him slowly determine both his nature, his qualities and also his way of life.

This universal treatment comes from the power of an astral light deriving from another astral field ,which is completely pure, and of a holy nature. This force helps the student in self-awareness and a sort of therapy so to acquire the route of holiness. 
This process is performed from the ego over the ego with the help of God and it is called self-giving, the so-called non-action in Tao.

I hope that I answer your question satisfactorily and my word is understood.

The essence of sin is the lack of knowledge as far as our spiritual duty is concerned. The result of this lack of knowledge is our wrong way of life and the results are illness, destruction and pain. 
A glorious path is widely open for all of us. Our duty is to do all the necessary first steps like a baby child does. Any necessary action and assistance is there to lift us when we fall by the Spirit, which not only creates life and maintains it but also develops it so that this glorious plan of creation to be completed.

Will you join and you, my dear friends, in this grand plan?
This is a question that you all have to answer.


So if anyone would like to ask something , can send an email here soundzgreg@yahoo.co.uk

Greek translation by Αναστασία Κώνστα Τσουκλίδη

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