Τετάρτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Parthian text on the End of the World


Parthian text on the End of the World

M 2 II Pa
And then the battle-stirring gods lead and guide their aeons and those who are of the same form, which they had called into the great earth and placed (there), by  divine proclamation to the new world and settle there in the same way as nomads, who (going) from place to place with their tents, horses, and possessions, put up and pull down (the tents). 
 But that power of the light that is so mixed with darkness that it cannot be separated from it again, which is not of the same form because from the beginning it foresaw, “So it is for me, because it was so decided.”  Therefore it is not called of the same form.

 And again, those five (sons of First Man) prayed in the battle to Ohrmezdbag (First Man), “Do not leave us in the corpse of darkness, but send us power and a helper!”  And Ohrmezdbag promised them, “I will not abandon you to the powers of darkness.”  In that case it was not the power that knew, “For me the mixing with darkness in the beginning reaches an injury and heaviness so wretched that I cannot be taken away and separated from darkness.”
No, that was the power that knew, “My mixture is of such a kind that I can be purified and saved by the help of Ohrmezdbag and the brothers.”  And they did not pray for that reason that, if they did not pray, then Ohrmezdbag would not help them.  But to them on account of that prayer.  And the hope and promise of Ohrmezdbag increased the(ir) power in the same way as fighters whose power increases through the zeal put on by the voice and the heart of their friends.

 And the gods will not be sorrowful because of that bit of light that is mixed with darkness and cannot be separated out, for sorrow is not characteristic of them.  On the contrary, through the peace and joy that is radically characteristic of them, through (the fact) that they are joyous and for that reason that they have subdued and bound Ahrimen together with the enemy.
And for a short while they clothed themselves inwardly with the costume of joy, but outwardly they were visible in armed warlike appearance.  And after they have bound it in a prison of oblivion and they themselves are ruling over it, then they are joyous, proud, and happy, because nobody can any longer do them harm.

 And when all the battle-stirrers have rested for a short while in the new world and when also that little bit of the light earth and its mountains, wherefrom the materials for building the new world had been taken, has been restored, and when also the last man stands as the mightiest in stature, and when the warlike gods together with the five lights have been healed from their wounds, then all the jewels, the apostles, and the battle-stirring gods stand up and appear before the sovereign of paradise with pleas and prayer: First Ohrmezdbag together with the Last Man, the Mother of the Righteous, the Friend of the Lights, Narêsafyazd (Third Messenger), Bamyazd (Great Builder), the Living Spirit, Jesus the splendor, the Maiden Light, and the Great Manohmed (Nous), these light fathers together with their gods, apostles, and aeons, all rightly in one thought, with one praise, in one voice, in one word, in one wish.

 They raise their voice in prayer and worship for the great jewel Sroshaw, the primeval, the righteous god, the highest of gods, and they say, “You, you are the father of the light, of primeval existence from eternity, and to your dominion there is no harm.  And also that sinner who boasted deceitfully and fought with your greatness has been seized and bound in an extraordinary tomb, out of which he can no longer go.  And also the earth, the dwelling-place of the enemies, we have overthrown and filled up and above we have built the light fundament of the new world. 

And for you there are no more enemies and rivals, but yours is the eternal victory.  Come now, and show mercy upon us!  Uncover your bright figure, the loveliest of sights, for us who are longing for turning to it and becoming glad and joyous through it.”  Then the sovereign of paradise ...

From : Prods Oktor Skjærvø - An Introduction to Manicheism

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