Πέμπτη 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Excerpt from my speech in Agyra (hall) held Wednesday, February 20

Agyra hall photo

Excerpt from my speech in Agyra (hall) held Wednesday, February 20

From The Gospel Of Thomas

47. Jesus said, "A person cannot mount two horses or bend two bows.
And a slave cannot serve two masters, otherwise that slave will honor the one and offend the other.
Nobody drinks aged wine and immediately wants to drink young wine. Young wine is not poured into old wine skins, or they might break, and aged wine is not poured into a new wineskin, or it might spoil.
An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment, since it would create a tear."

With these words, Jesus explain to us once again that anyone who wants internally to walk  the path of transformation should be devoted entirely to Him, does not fit here a middle solution as we usually do in our everyday life trying to please both sides .
Our goal, our purpose, the efforts and our work, our whole being, should breathe and work with the Lord of all Life with an absolute dedication and service to his fellow man and the Spirit.

In my previous speech in Dileysh Hall, I spoke to you about these different cultures and epochs and how man gradually through time is completing his body-form in mater, and the importance that this modern era offers to us, which comes after the Greek-Latin epoch completing our mental body with it man can conceive mentally his noble origin and the limits of this world of matter and how it can therefore be freed from it, approaching the Spirit through the ubiquitous radiant presence, which is acting in the world every second.

But this miraculous ability of the mind is like a double-edged sword because as we see today, instead of draws him into the Spirit, to goodness, to love, instead leads him to a greater connection into matter, into absurdity and immorality, violence and a huge mental and physical pain.

But here the text explains that this new Christ intervention for salvation, the new wine, the Spirit means, it needs a whole new body - carrier of one more consubstantial nature with it for to develop and this is' the treasure in our hearts' or 'the grain of wheat 'or' the Rose 'as symbolically described in the scriptures, and not our old body vehicles, actually these must gradually reduced, cleaned from the mental and astral dirt together with a diet that will protect us and cleanse us simultaneously in an ethereal - material level because all these aspects are just as important too.

Does not benefit to us not to eat meat, but in the same time to have jealousy or hatred in our hearts because in this way we also self-poisoned us just in the same way, also there is no good to be kind heart people but to smoke and drink alcohol because then simply the Spiritual radiations and vibrations can not impinge in us since we ourselves vibrational slamming the door to them. In short, the text here tells us that we need an entirely new process of salvation and that all earlier initiation modes that existed in other times of civilization from this initial
Indian period until the Latin-Greek all are not useful to us anymore.

2 σχόλια:

  1. The Fundamental Reversal - a New Attitude Towards Life. This is one of the requirements of the fivefold Gnostic path.

    This is about the complete surrender of the self, without compromise of any kind.

    As you related, one must be ready to sacrifice all in order to obtain All.

    ~ g

  2. Good day BrotherGee, i try with my poor English to translate my text, i am not sure for the result but i must try.
    Well all these i am trying to explain to people that are not aware of our teaching in LR.
    Not only the necessity of change and that there is no other way but also to inform about the future events were humanity goes deep into matter and destruction so our inner and outer work will face many obstacles. Its time to act now.
