Τετάρτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Mankind's Unfinished Business from BrotherGee

 Mankind's Unfinished Business

Man believes that he is the completion of God's work. By holding himself in such high regard, he exalts himself and insults The Creator.

Man speaks of his "soul" and his "spirit", but has no true conception of these. The soul of man is not an immortal soul, but a mortal soul. It is not eternal, but temporary. At death, the mortal soul-vehicles are dissolved. Every new incarnation, a fresh soul-vehicle is constructed.

As for man's "spirit" - and this is what you must understand most of all - the nature-born human being is currently detached from divine Spirit. He is a physical, biological, soul-body composition only, whose actions are instigated, animated and regulated by celestial, aeonic forces.

But we feel! We think! We reason! We have free-will! How can it be said that we are but biological automatons?

Because we are. Man's "free-will" is actually "free-choice". In reality, his will is under the control of the nature-aeons that surround and control this nature-order. The vaunted ability to reason places man barely a half-rung above the ape. What is not widely understood is that the mental vehicle is the youngest and most recent addition to the four-fold natural human being which has been constructed in stages over many millions of years as follows:

1. dense physical body (Saturn Period)
2. etheric, or vital body (Sun Period)
3. astral, or desire body (Moon Period)
4. mental body (Earth Period)

If one takes a look at the world around them, it should become apparent that although man has mastered the physical vehicle, once understood the etheric vehicle and is currently struggling to control the astral body, he has yet to grasp the purpose of the mental vehicle. Neither has he learned how to master its usage. When man persists in his wrong-thinking, he negatively affects his astral body. This is important to note because the ethers used to maintain the etheric double are extracted from the astral body.

Thus, if thoughts are wrong, negative, of a low-vibrational quality then these low vibrations will be passed on to the astral body. The resulting low-vibrating ethers extracted from the polluted astral body will pool in the etheric body where they will manifest in the physical body as infection, disease, cancers, etc.

This retrograde movement - thought > feeling > vital energy > physical health - is just one of the laws that man foolishly abuses, not because he doesn't understand them. It's much worse than that. He doesn't even know this Law exists.

In any event, man egotistically considers himself the king of all creatures and the center of the universe, when he is, in fact, not much more than a beast himself. This must be recognized and accepted before a human being can begin to consider the meaning of his life, and its True Purpose.

Man is not yet finished, not by any stretch of the imagination.

End Part I
The Retrograde Movement


The retrograde movement should begin in one's thinking. Your thoughts, your intellectual brain-consciousness, must be purified and brought into equilibrium with the Fundamental Idea. Everything confusing, everything impure, everything critical, everything earthly in your thinking must disappear from the mental, functional organ in your head sanctuary. On the basis of such purified thinking, the retrograde movement can then begin.

If you think in a pure way, as indeed you are called to do, your astral body will be ignited in a way that is in keeping with your head mentality. The astral body reacts in a fraction of a second to every one of your thoughts. Like a flash of lightening, every thought gives rise to a mighty, measureless fire in your astral body. Via the astral body, the etheric body is then brought  into a condition which corresponds with the astral body's state. Ethers are liberated and and penetrate your entire physical organism, affecting all its organs and fluids, up to and including the blood. And when the blood is thus laden with the results of your flash of thought, it flows back through all the brain-cells and brings what you yourself have unleashed back into the intellectual brain-consciousness again.

Are you aware of this retrograde movement? Thinking, astral body, etheric body, physical body, blood, and then back again, via the blood, to the head sanctuary. This is the course along which the retrograde movement circulates. And if your thoughts are directed entirely towards the earth, the result can be a prison wall, an impenetrable dungeon. However, if you purify your thoughts, if you learn to think in a pure way, in harmony with the Fundamental Nature, you will knock down the prison walls. The walls will collapse and you will stand in total freedom. 

Then, as you step outside your prison, you will behold the glory. You were not given a brain -- that wondrous organ of your cerebral system -- so that you could concentrate on the earth and cram your head with all those worthless things of the dualistic nature. You were given a brain so that it could serve as a basis for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, to fulfill the fact of Pentecost. Do you understand that? Anyone who has purified the retrograde movement within his system and thereby opened himself to the Fundamental Nature, will enter into sensory contact with that Nature. 

And he will be able to behold the inner, True Nature in exactly the same way as we are able to see the outer nature with our eyes. And of course you will understand that this kind of vision has nothing at all to do with being able to see into the reflection-sphere, for the reflection-sphere is nothing but a sewer, the refuse bin of dualistic nature.

The establishment of an intimate relationship with the twin forces of the Fundamental Nature is always accompanied by the immediate awakening of new, inner senses. That is the signature of pupilship, of the discipleship of the Only Good.

Would that we too, might attain to it!

From "The Sancta Democratio" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh

[END Quoting]

As a man thinketh...

The foregoing is a clear explanation of how one's thinking determines one's entire state-of-being, inside and out. It is one's thoughts which determine the condition of one's astral / emotional body and one's etheric double. The etheric double, in turn, determines the state of the physical body. Perhaps now you can begin to see what is the root cause of all illnesses -- it originates with our consistent wrong-thinking.

End this cycle of destruction. Purify your thinking, consciously, daily, minute-by-minute. The results will make themselves evident to you in so many ways, you will wonder why knowledge of the retrograde movement is not more widely known.

A state-of-consciousness is a state of life. Change your thinking, change your life.

Visit : http://time-to-choose.blogspot.gr/

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