Δευτέρα 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Know Him because we shall be like Him

Everyone of us cannot be a star, everyone of  us cannot shine, everyone cannot be a leader, but everyone can do just the little bit, just light his own little bit of a candle, and let that dispel some of the darkness in his or her immediate environment.

That is all we have to do,and if we do just that much, then we shall find that that candle will be as a blazing star to guide us to the Christ at His coming, and then we shall be sure to know Him, for we shall find the response from within.

It is said, we shall know Him because we shall be like Him, and seeing that He has no physical body in which to come, we must evolve that vehicle of the soul, that Soma Psuchicon, so that when He appears, we may meet Him, and be clothed  in that golden wedding garment.

Max Heindel

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