Τρίτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Book of Lambspring (1607)

Book of Lambspring (1607)

This poem was first printed in Nicolas Barnaud, Triga chemica: de lapide philosophico tractatus tres..., Leiden 1599, but without illustrations. This was reprinted in volume III of the Theatrum Chemicum, 1602. It was issued by Lucas Jennis three times in 1625 with a series of 15 emblems. 
The three books issued were Dyas chymica tripartita, the Musaeum hermeticum, and De lapide philosophico. The University of Salzburg, has a manuscript dated 1607, MS. M I 92) with a series coloured drawings, and there is 16th century manuscript in Zurich, Zentral Bibliothek MS. P 2177.


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