Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

The Key That Solves All Problems

The Key That Solves All Problems


If ever there was a hermetic text that conveyed the full reality of the manifested life, then that is the sixteenth book of the Corpus Hermeticum. It shows so very clearly how very many forces there are at work in bodies manifesting themselves in the nature-of-death. But alas, all these forces and their effects arise from the mortal body, and that is why they are, and will always remain, cut off from any truly divine genesis. 

Generally speaking, people experience the results of ungodly life with deep sorrow. The countless efforts they make to escape this fate are desperate and tragic. Most people today have no knowledge of the key that would enable them to solve all of their problems, even though that key is in their possession. Because the moment you entrust yourself to the soul, the course of your life will be changed, for when the soul enters a mortal body, its activating forces have the effect of putting the body back on the road to true genesis.

Without soul-power, man is like an irrational animal. His only guides are instinct and desire: instincts he cannot control and desires that drive him. However, as soon as the soul takes over the guidance of his life, instinct and desire are converted into power and motion capable of bringing the Hidden Man to birth. We need to learn that the soul is an eternal and intelligent being, having for thought its own reason.

The soul, present in the microcosm, is always and unchangeably linked with the Spirit with God. When it leaves the natural body, it is free and independent, and belongs to the divine world. But it always maintains a link with the natural body so that, if insight dawns on the nature-born being and he decides to change his approach to life, the possibility will always be there for the union of the soul and body to be realized. If, as a nature-born human being, you follow the path of the New Way of Life, the Path on which the Rosebud can open, the attributes of the soul will be able to manifest themselves because, as Hermes says: It is characteristic of the soul to confer on others something of its own essence.

So there are two forms of life in the microcosm: the life of the soul and the life of this nature. And isn't it strange that the high, noble life of the soul is innate in all microcosms, while in those same microcosms, a natural life is lived that is not in the least in harmony with the soul? Isn't it disturbing to think that the Divine and the most unworthy form of life should be enclosed in one and the same microcosm? But that is how it is with most people, and are you not struck by the enormity of the situation?

The soul is indeed incorporeal, since it does not form part of the physical body. If the soul were to have a body, it would have neither reason, nor thoughts.

This does not mean that the soul has no higher reason. Its reason is indeed high, and divine, with a true cognitive faculty at its disposal. No, it is the body which is totally lacking in reason and cognitive ability, according to Hermes.

There are probably lots of people who would not agree with Hermes on this point. But hermetic philosophy makes clear that the activity of the physical brain can certainly not be described as 'reason'. Hermes says that unless the human being is over-shadowed by the soul, he is 'without reason'. Look around you, and you will see the truth of this. Whether you consider individuals or societies, human behavior makes Hermes' words alarmingly clear. The human being only achieves real reason and intelligence when the soul enters the head sanctuary. Only then can the true cognitive faculty be born.

We have the power of choice; we are able to choose either the best or, in spite of ourselves, the worst. The choice of evil approximates to the physical nature. That is why fate rules the one whose choice it is.

The soul is very near to you; it is in your microcosm. You are capable of uniting with that true, higher self in obedience and self-surrender. If you do not...then your life will be ruled by the fate of the nature-of-death. Surely, the choice is not a difficult one to make?

"The Key That Solves All Problems" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. IV - Jan van Rijckenborgh

Posted by BrotherGee http://time-to-choose.blogspot.gr/

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