Κυριακή 12 Αυγούστου 2012

Let Light show you the way

We come into this life naked and we die naked too. No material possession has any value then. Everything is given to us from above as a gift, we hardly understand the powers and the essence we use every day even with one breath or a heart beat.This giant universe is like a rent, the one who give it to us is waiting t see what we do with it? 

Simple thoughts are close to our heart, were the spirit is based.
Material possession, money  is a tool for organize in a way the systems in our societies between people and nature.

But this system can work in a wrong way and so create injustice and in the end, violence and murder. 
Vain people think that 'so what' even if the others feel terrible or are hungry or in pain or loosing their beloved i don't care i will live happily my life till i will die. But all these experiences and emotions can offer to him joy? Can calm his soul? 

And what if in this last moment in the end of our life we see that a part of us can't really die but must come again into this level of life to fulfill our true purpose. Some people are laughing when they hear the word karma but this is not right.

Everything in our world has a unique balance even if our world is tremble and changing.Every action creates a reaction and every reaction creates a new action. Most of the people are wondering were this world will go to? We know that after a tremendous huge amount of time sun will stop to shine, still till that moment many things can change.

Our creator gave us all this time to be harmonized with the universal plan - rhythms, to be whole again, to create the right pure vehicles for be able to participate in His House.
This next level is not the end because there is no end in this plan, only evolution into the Light of Love.
We live in a clean house and our visitor is much dirty, if he will come inside everything will be a mess so we just ask him 'go and wash your self and the door is open'.

Two paths are always in front of us from the moment when our natural eyes opened till now. The one is asking us to sacrifice our Ego and give the opportunity to the Other in us, to the spirit to born and grow, heal us, change us. 

The other is trying to create this higher reality into this level, but because of the nature, the powers, the essence that this world is made  into pairs (good-evil,night-day,wrong-right,life-death) this couldn't be possible, but then disharmony comes, the Ego for be a king must rule, but who will be the king? then violence comes and killing, he demand, i want more from the others for live better, then steeling is coming and lies and all these things that we experience in our countries so openly.

Human history show us clearly that in the end everything will break into pieces, some great civilizations are completely lost from our memories some other have no real use to us now. 
So stand up on your feet and choose right, listen to your heart and make the proper steps that will lead you out of this labyrinth were we all trapped in.

Show us the way ! Let Light show you the way. Let Love be one with you, let Love be you.    

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