Τρίτη 17 Ιουλίου 2012

Wagner - Das Rheingold - Solti (Remastered 2008)

Wagner - Das Rheingold - Solti (1959) 

Celebrating the 300.00 views of my blog 
i would like to present to you 
this special 

DAS RHEINGOLD, the prelude to Wagner's drama DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN, is the shortest work in the series, and at times it can be forgotten. Of the four pieces that make up the Ring Cycle, it probably would not be a stand alone opera, as the other three would be, and with the exception of "The Entry of the gods into Valhalla" it does not have the memorable highlights of the other three longer works of the cycle.

Yet as listeners discover this opera, the richness of this gem becomes apparent. The story is told through the music, and even without knowing the plot, one can sense from the music the blissful state of the Rhine maidens and how the peace is destroyed through greed which will culminate in the final scenes of GOTTERDAMMERUNG. The opera itself contains many of the leitmotifs that will continue throughout the remaining three pieces.

Many critics as well as other Amazon reviewers believe that this may be the best recording of DAS RHEINGOLD, or at least the greatest stereo recording of the work. Two reasons are given as a basis: the solid performance of the singers and the mastery of Sir Georg Solti.
Solti made this recording in the late 1950's which was perhaps one of the greatest moments in history to assemble a cast to record any Wagner opera, and Solti selected the best in a cast that includes George London and Kirsten Flagstad. This recording is magnificent, and the cast works together as an ensemble, which is essential in Wagner. While some opera recordings can still be adequate with uneven performers, for Wagner it can be devastating.

All one needs to do is look at many of the reviews of the Solti WALKURE, which has some captivating moments, but also weak moments that for some (though not all, I love that recording too) ruins the entire work. For some the orchestra is a bit too heavy, a criticism leveled against Solti on many occasions, but overall the orchestra and singers compliment each other well. The only flaw is a few of the non orchestral sound effects that can be a bit jarring at times (some bells and female screams) but at the time the recording was made, they were rather innovative. After listening to the recording a few times, the sound effects are barely noticeable.

Recording Location : Sofiensaal , Vienna , September / October1958

Producer : John Culshaw

Recording Engineer : Gordon Parry

Cast :

Wotan......George London

Fricka......Kirsten Flagstad

Freia......Claire Watson

Froh......Waldemar Kmentt

Donner......Eberhard Wächter

Loge......Set Svanholm

Mime......Paul Kuen

Erda......Jean Madeira

Alberich......Gustav Neidlinger

Fasolt......Walter Kreppel

Fafner......Kurt Böhme

Woglinde......Oda Balsborg

Wellgunde......Hetty Plümacher

Flosshilde......Ira Malaniuk

Wiener Philharmoniker / Sir Georg Solti

Thanks to jbglx for the post

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