Πέμπτη 12 Ιουλίου 2012

Fragment from 'Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutzt'

The King accordingly sent to invite his to join us; and as we all sat at table he made his strict survey.
Then certain curious chairs were placed in a circle, in which we, together with the King and Queen, both their old men, and the ladies and virgins, were to sit.
A handsome page then announced that the King, in recognition of our services, had elected each of  us Knight of the Golden Stone, and required us to make these five vows:

To ascribe our Order only to God and His handmaid, Nature.
To abominate all whoredom, and not defile our Order with such vices.
To use our talents to assist all that have need of them.
Not to strive for worldly pride and high authority.
Not to wish to live longer than God would have us.

At this last article we could not choose but laugh.
We were now, with due ceremony, installed Knights, and conducted in procession to a little chapel, where I hung up my golden fleece and my hat.

And because everyone was to write his name there, I writ thus:

"The highest wisdom is to know nothing.
Brother Christian Rosenkreutz. Knight of the Golden Stone. 1459."

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