Τετάρτη 6 Ιουνίου 2012

Love is a wonder.

Love is a wonder

Even our birth , our being , what we are now and what we have in our possession , does not belong to us.

They are give to us like a rent.

Everything in this world are tools , using them helping us, push us to understand the hidden treasure in us , to help us found our true identity , our true existence , our true goal and task.

This divine miracle , this divine Rose must grow and unfold and start sharing again its magical perfumes.

In all our life we posses and use material things till our physical death, let us use them in the purpose of love and of spiritual growth and not let them use us....

Remember when we will step in the land of the primordial Light nothing of  'matter' will be of any value for us.

When we born into this world we was coming completely naked and when we will born into the spiritual world we will be again completely naked and if the love of our natural mother and father is so incredible think of the father-mother above, how will embrace and support and offer to us all the wonders of the Spirit.

Then we understand the words in the gospel, you can do bigger wonders than me.

Love is a wonder.

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