Τρίτη 22 Μαΐου 2012

Time is running fast choose your side.

Even if an ideal way of life existed in this level of reality that we all experience, natural death will come in time and stop everything.

There is no way out from it as soon as we search oriented on the powers and values of this world.Still, there is a secret key that can open a door out of this labyrinth, is up to us to find it inside our heart,realize its powers and let it grow as a new sun, helping it to transform our existence in a complete way.

Even if joy and beauty and peace was our daily experience here, this could be the biggest drug avoiding us to understand, to feel deep inside our original purpose and task, evil in our world has a special task in revealing to all good souls, that is not only connected to this world, but also that it is an essential element of this world.

Neutralize it dear friends with these new powers that will radiate from your pure heart,change you,change the world.

Evil in our days is not only strong but also works openly in various social groups and teams.

Many world leaders are serving it completely, preparing the way of the false coming of christ  and creating so slowly but firmly a new world religion fascistic order, that we will be able all to face it, in the coming future events.

Christ universal power united only once with our natural level before 2000 ago creating so a bridge,a link between the Spiritual world and our world, and from that time never stopped to help and influence us and the cosmos.

Every true spiritual person who open himself for His radiation, is experience for one time more, in a personal way, the miracle of Christ birth in time,the way of the Cross,the death and the resurrection.

So stay away from anyone who will tell you that christ will come again in this physical level.
No my friends the secret is that we must go to Him! We must reconnect with Him.

This a journey that we must all experience.Time is running fast choose your side.

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