Παρασκευή 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Fragments from Catharosa De Petri books

Sanctification is your calling.

The sanctification of your entire being is the aim of the Spiritual School, so it goes without saying that,having been enabled, rationally and morally, to do so, the pupil will lead a sanctified life.
You can lead such a sanctified life if you remain constantly directed towards your pupilship, for within you there exist an imperishable power: the seed of the living, everlasting word.
So it is only desirables but also necessary that a radiant, new way of life emanates from you, because it is achievable.
That is why all malice and guile, all insincerity, envy and slander must become things of the past.
They are five negative reactions to the state of pupilship or five positive expressions of a strong I-centrality.
Realize to what you are called and enabled,and what dangers threaten possibilities of sanctification.
Prepare yourself fully to become a living building stone, for only as a building stone can you be used in the great, universal temple, in the holy priesthood of the new state of life.

Fragment from :
"The Golden Rosycross" of Catharosa De Petri (XIV The holy priesthood of the new state of life)


I know, because i have died myself, and through the spirit have risen again.

That is why the true pupil becomes I-less, no longer attached to anything whatsoever.
His life demonstrates his self surrender, the cleansing of his heart from the firs of emotion.
The I will try to neutralize itself as much is possible so that the soul life can begin.
Those of you who undergo this process of approximation with joy, will receive a stream of merciful gnostic radiations which will guide the entire being into the field of absolute quietude, into the true priestly tranquility, the state of peace in which the great, holy work of building the new temple has to be carried out.

That we may soon testify, with Lao Tzu :

I know, because i have died myself,
and through the spirit have risen again.
What corrupted me has met its ruin.
I have entered eternity.

Fragment from :
"Seven Voices Speak" of Catharosa De Petri (XII The one source of life)  Rosycross Press - Harlem

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