Τρίτη 31 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Sale all your material possesses and follow me

One of the main task of the Christ Spirit was to inform and prepare us for the coming future events when man and his cosmos will walk into the next step of evolution.

This new body that He was talking about is made from His unique substance and it is something that all humanity must achieved harmonized in this way with the Sublime Universal Laws.

During these next decades man must change completely his entire being.

The cosmic and inter cosmic radiations help him in this work strongly.

Everything will oppose this plan of evolution will be neutralize by tremendous powers.

More and more people in all parts of this world understand now this demand,so even stronger the words of our Saviour are written on our forehead 

"Sale all your material possesses and follow me" 

Hope that this will be yours life task too.

p.s. the above photo is just a symbolic picture for me, nothing more.. !

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