Σάββατο 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

'' Madonna and Child '' in Art (B)

Hans the Younger - Darmstadt Madonna
Hans Zatzka  - Madonna and Child
Jacobello, del Fiore - Virgin and Child
Leonardo Da Vinci  - Madonna and the Child (The Benois Madonna)
Leonardo Da Vinci  - Madonna and the Child (The Litta Madonna)
Maratti Carlo - Madonna and the Child with St John Baptist
Marianne - Stokes Madonna and Child
Maso di Banco - Madonna and Child
Orazio Gentileschi - Madonna and Child
Ortolano Giovanni Battista Benvenuto - Holly Family (1520)
Pagani Gregorio - Madonna and the Child with Sts Francis of Assisi John the Baptist Margaret and Gregory the Great
Paolo Veronese - Virgin and Child with Saints
Pontormo - Virgin Mary with Child
Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino - Madonna with child [and goldfinch]
Raffael - Madonna and Child (The Tempi Madonna)

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