Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians

This 18th century compendium, drew on 17th century alchemical sources such as Adrian von Mynsich, with
mystical pieces from Valentin Weigel, and Abraham von Franckenberg's works on Jacob Boehme. It was an
important and influential source of Rosicrucian ideas, albeit filtered thtough an 18th century perspective. 

Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, 
aus dem 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert. 
Erstes Heft. 
Aus emem alten Mscpt. zum erstenmal ans Licht gestelit. 
Altona, 1785. 
Gedruckt und verlegt von J. D. U. Eckhardt. Zweites Heft. Altona, 1788.

A small part of this book in English translation of the drawings


The Teachings of the Rosicrucians 
of the 16th and 17th Centuries 
A Simple ABC Booklet
For Young Students
Practising Daily in the School of the Holy Ghost
Made clear to the eyes by pictorial figures 
For the Exercises of the New Year 
In the 
Natural and Theological Light
by a Brother of the Fraternity of the Rose Cross Christi P.F. 
For the first time made public
with several figures of similar content added by P.S. 
Altona. Printed and Published by Joh. Ad. Eckhardt, Book-Printer to H.M. the King of Denmark.

An anonymous treatise on the Philosophers' stone

If a philosopher you wish to be,
Let only patience dwell in thee.
Where on this globe lives a man so wise,
Who'll ever learn what four ones do comprise,
And even if he'd know all this,
He'd still always be an apprentice.
Therefore, O human, with all thy might,
Recognise God and thyself in God's and nature's light,
Both these lights God pours into thee,
That a likeness of him thou mayest be,
He is one fourfold God, let thou be told,
As thou art a piece of clay fourfold.
This maketh nature to thee well known,
With wisdom, light and understanding to thee is it shown.
To nothing can thine eye be blind,
Be it of body or of mind.
Therefore be thankful to thy God,
Who in time this before thee hast brought. Be thou not jealous of the scoffer's fame,
Do not begrudge every mocker's great name.
With sophisticated vanity they strut,
Unbeknownst to them is what thou'st got.
Be happy with what God to thee gave,
Defy, that four in one they have.
Fiat and Amen, be my treasure,
A fourfold sphere always together. 

O Domine quam mirabilia sunt opera tua. 

Lord, thine eternal Spirit is in all Things.

Salvator Mundi 
Speculum divinum occultum atque
Natura rerum seu instrumentarum
Igneum philosophorum 
et Laboratorium perpetuum 
Four fires are floating in this world,
Wherein God holdeth a Center,
That is locked up in four,
Out of which Heaven and Earth were poured 
So thou has all in all,
Earth and Heavens in one together,
Look well at it, it is to thy good,
And pondering over, thou wilt not rue it. 
Notice Nature in its strength,
Look at its great life-power
From God it, and all things spring
And return to their centers again. 
Friend thoughtfully look at this mirror,
See how Nature is revealed,
Always watch the inner center,
Turn the outer spheres around it.   
 Coelum et Terra.
There is never a philosopher who Nature's ultimate Principle doth not know.  
Look well for the golden Magnet. If thou findest it thou wouldest get rid of thy sorrows.
Study well the law 'Know thyself', that thou may not be deceived any more.
Unum sunt omnia, per quod omnia.
Make known to thee the Terra Sancta, so that thou mayest not go astray.

Figurative Image of how within this world three Worlds in each other, namely this earth Sun-World, and also
the Heavenly and ....*
 The outer and inner Mind
Without God's light you cannot find
Only the Spirit alone knows
Reason in flesh is blind.  

God is free everywhere
Within and without all Creature
Time measure of Nature
The Angel with six wings.  

God is the Alpha and Omega
The Beginning and the End
Time measure of the Law
Lion with six wings.  

God is the first and the last.
Time of the Evangelium
Ox with six wings.  

And there is no God
But the one God Time of fulfillment
Eagle with six wings.
The way of life is above to the wise, so that you shun the hell beneath. Prov. 15, 24.
......*the Hellish world have their effects. And the darkness cannot conquer the light. It also
shows that the land of the dead, the entrance to Hell or superficial darkness, where there is wailing and
gnashing of teeth, as well as the land of the living, the heavenly paradise or third heaven are from this world.
And that the human being has all these things in his heart; heaven and hell, light and darkness, life and

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