Παρασκευή 8 Ιουλίου 2011

The task of the evolving soul,forgiveness,the gifts of the Spirit,our only wish.

The task of the evolving soul,forgiveness,the gifts of the Spirit,our only wish.

It is a task of the evolving soul in its journey through time to become something completely new,with this transformation can approach a state of spiritual maturity and so be able to understand the hidden things that lie in mans heart and in the nuclear of his cosmos.

Then he can understand the meaning of every serious event that happen in his life how every person had his own significance good or bad and how all these puzzle puss him in what he is now.
Then a sense of say sorry for every wrong action he made till then appears,wonders what taste in the depths of the other left and if he was able to help or not the others evolution in their own trip.

One gift of the presence of the Light in our own reality is to lightning us,every hidden corner of our personality becomes so clear,our past our present and our future lies in front of us.

Looking in this way our being becomes so clear our inner wish to ask sorry for every person we hurt but mainly to forgive our selfs for our past wrong action.Forgiving our selfs we forgive the others,forgiving the others we forgive our self.

In this moment we remember the words of our Lord on the cross "Forgive them because they don't know what they do"

This sense of forgiveness in combination with humility gives birth to a brand new action in our life in a zero basis because all till then old self has break in pieces like a class and so our being is empty and ready for the revelation that will unveil with power from above filling our heart and head with Spiritual food everything that till then was hidden.

This period of our life can be picture by this event of the crucification of our Lord but in us this event will keep for long long time till the moment that our old self will be totally neutralize and transform and so reach this particular moment of complete freedom from the chains of this nature.

It is difficult to see each of all these aspects alone,one is in the other as a totality.

Then there is a moment when the Spirit becomes one with us and so we can also say " O Sun you diffuse your glory to me"

This moment our old self is past and we are free of the chains of this nature,our trip continues in an other realm were all necessary work is made but without the limitations of our nature born self.

There the third step will occur were the new temple is visible as a new Sun and a new Earth and our mission of express the Love of our Father to the rest of humanity becomes our apostolic lifework.

Our past dept lead us in the trap of a labyrinth.
our task is to kill our old nature born Ego of Minotaur with the help of the soul that lead us in our path.
Friends it is written,make the first step and i will be with you helping you to do the second,because if Christ is within us we have no fear or agony but only gratitude and feeling that we are so meaningless but the same way so important.

Do you wish to play an important role in these future revolutionary events?

Your answer must be only yes!

..........My English are not so good so if i use a wrong word correct me...

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