Κυριακή 10 Ιουλίου 2011

Musique de la Grece Antique - Gregorio Paniagua

Musique de la Grece Antique - Gregorio Paniagua

Considerably more remains of ancient Greek architecture than the music of this advanced and inspirational civilization. And although works explaining Greek music theory have survived, the actual existence of composed pieces from these times comes down to only a few scraps that survived on papyrus, marble columns, and other written sources. This Spanish ensemble under the leadership of Gregorio Paniagua pieced together these remains and performed them with reconstructions of instruments from ancient Greek sources, some of which, such as the bagpipe, remain in use today. Portions of the music included may remind listeners of very early classical music such as Gregorian chant, whereas other pieces will certainly cause an astonished reaction as they sound unlike any other music recorded. Some is sparse, floating, the melodic ideas developing very slowly. A few of the old-world Greek percussion instruments wind up sounding quite a bit like new-world electronic music. ~ Eugene Chadbourne

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This CD is based on the original LP by Atrium Musicae de Madrid, under the direction of Gregorio Paniagua. It contains arrangements of all the then-known surviving works from ancient Greece, including some which are considered apocryphal by some musicologists. The recording uses reconstructions of an amazing variety of period instruments (string, wind, and percussion). Because of the fragmentary nature of many of the texts, the performers have had to treat the material in different ways: sometimes by "patching" it, sometimes simply by playing the "shards" interspersed with silence, drum beats, improvised notes or even dissonant noises. Included is the one tiny fragment that survives of ancient Roman music: one verse from a poem by Terencio.

List of tracks :

Anakrousis; Orestes Stasimo
Instrumental fragments from Contrapollinopolis
1st Delphic Hymn to Apollo
Lament of Tecmessa
Vienna Papyrus 29825
Hymn to the Sun
Hymn to the Muse
Hymn to Nemesis
Michigan Papyrus
Aenaoi Nefelai
Epitaph of Seikilos
Paean, Berlin Papyrus 6870
Anonymi Bellerman
1st Pythian Ode
Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 2436
Christian Hymn of Oxyrhynchus
Homero Hymnus
Papyrus Zenon, Cairo Fragment
Terencio, Hecyra 861
Poem, Mor 1, 11f. Migne 37, 523
2nd Delphic Hymn to Apollo
Papyrus Oslo A/B / Epilogos-Katastrophe

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