Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2011

Joacob Boehme Emblems - Coloured by Adam McLean

Frontispiece engravings from collected works of Boehme

Des Gottseeligen Hoch-Erleuchteten Joacob Bomens Teutonici Philosophi Alle Theosophische Wercken,Amsterdam,1682 (edited Gichtel)

Adam McLean :
Adam McLean is one of the few recognized experts on hermetic, emblematic and alchemical symbolism. Since 1978 he has published over 50 books on hermeticism, alchemy and related matters, edited the long running Hermetic Journal in the 1980's, and now organises the largest and most comprehensive web site on alchemy. He also offers study courses on the interpretation of alchemical symbolism. He also has one of the largest collections of modern tarot decks and is very interested in the artwork of modern tarot. As an artist he is not one given up to exploring in a free or indulgent way his own ideas, but instead he works essentially to restore and invigorate traditional emblematic and alchemical imagery. In March 2008 he decided to create this occasional weblog dealing with his artistic interests and research, his ongoing projects, his enthusiasms for traditional emblematic allegorical works and criticisms of some of the more risible aspects of modern art.


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