Τετάρτη 22 Ιουνίου 2011

Crossing towards the other side

 Crossing towards the other side

Many times ordinary people are complaining about what is happening in their life.They want something else from what they experience and this creates sadness or jealousy or anger.

In reality they live their life's as their needs and emotions and consciousness telling them to do.
Human Ego can never be happy with any result that can achieve,after a while something new will appeared in their attention and so a new target must be accomplish by them.An endless game of the senses.

A gnostic pupil is very aware of all these illusions and his primary goal is to be silence, so his newborn soul to be heard,creating in this way the right space for its growing.

Then in time a new voice is trying to lead our system balancing the function of our ego in a neutral way.
Then in future time no complains will arise,harmony is an inner power that we can extract it from these qualities of our newborn soul.

If we are not focus in this then nothing creative in a spiritual sense can emerge.

We must decide in our crossing towards the other side if we will continue in striving with this big waves of this sea of this material nature or decide, and so reach, the stable ground of the other kingdom.

Man himself has both aspects in him, a harmonious one and the opposite,good work brings good fruits,weakness creates chaos.

Freedom from the known leading us to self knowledge then everything we do, impel us towards the Light,in there no shadows exist,no pain,no fear,no me and you.

One can say,words are easy,yes they are, but these original ideas are like glimpses in our dark personality home,lighting us in this way, a whole new world appearing,the plan,the door,the key our whole existence is so visible then.

Words,original ideas,memories of our soul can lead us to pure action,are so essential,Logos,sound,words are all aspects of the Love that create our known universe,so if we use it right harmony is near,if we use it in a wrong egoistic way chaos is the result.

Have no desires, is the ultimate desire, but also this is something that we must exceeded.

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