Σάββατο 23 Απριλίου 2011

Jacob Boehme - The Three Principles

Jacob Boehme 
Concerning The Three Principles of The Divine Essence Of the Eternal, 
Dark, Light,and Temporary World



Of Adam and Eve's going forth out of Paradise,and of their entering into this World.And then of the true Christian Church upon Earth, and also of the Antichristian Cainish Church.

1. .......... yet we comfort ourselves with the eternal conquest in our Saviour Christ, wherein we have to expect our great recompense,the glimpse of which appeareth to us here,in the great wonder;for which cause we will proceed,and not look upon this world, but esteem that which is to come greater than all.

2. Our writing also will serve in its due time,when the lily-rose shall blossom ; for in these [writings] there is many a noble rose-bud, which at present (because of the great darkness in Babel) cannot be known ; but there is a time, wherein it shall stand according to its spirit.


20. Yet the kingdom of Christ is not of this world,but consisteth in power.And there is the true knowledge of God in no man, except he be regenerated in God, out of his corrupted house of sins. Where then the fierceness changeth itself into love, and he is a priest of God in the life of Jesus Christ, who always seeketh that which is in heaven in the wonders of God.And the New Man is hidden in the old man, and is not of this world, but he is in Temario Sancto, in the holy body of Jesus Christ, understand, in the virtue of his body.

21. For such also his covenant with us is, both in the Baptism and in" the Last Supper.  He took not the flesh of his creature and gave it to his disciples,but he took the body of the pure element [that is] before God,wherein God dwelleth, which is present in all creatures,but comprised in another Principle,and gave it to his disciples to eat and to drink under earthly bread and wine.So also he baptized the outward manwith earthly elementary water, but the inward new man he baptizeth with the water in the holy pure element of his body and spirit;  which substance appeareth only in the second Principle,and is present everywhere, yet is hidden to the third Principle,viz. to the spirit of this world.

22. For as we know, that our mind reacheth all over this world, and also into the kingdom of heaven to God,so also the life of the pure element (wherein the creature / Christ, and our new man in Christ standeth) reacheth everywhere all  over;  and it  is  all  over full  of  the fullness of the life  of Jesus Christ, but only in the [one pure holy] element, and not in the four elements,in the spirit of the stars.

24. Indeed we carry the heavenly treasure in an earthly vessel, but there must be a heavenly receptacle hidden in the earthly,else the heavenly treasure is not comprised nor held. None should think or desire to find the lily of the heavenly bud with deep searching and studying,if he be not entered by earnest repentance in the New Birth, so that it be grown in himself ; for else it is but a history,where his mind never findeth the ground,and yet itself  supposeth it hath comprehended it;  but his mind maketh it manifest * what spirit's child it is ; for it is written, They are taught of God.

25. We know that every life is a fire that consumeth,and must have somewhat to feed its consuming,or else it goeth out ; so also we know that there is an eternal band of life, where there is a matter whereon the eternal fire feedeth continually,for the eternal fire maketh that matter for food to itself.

26. So also we know that the eternal life  is twofold,  in a twofold source [quality or property],and each standeth in its own fire. The one burneth  in the fierceness, and in the woe, and the matter thereof is pride, envy,and anger, its source is like brimstone spirit ; for the rising up of the pride,in covetousness,envy,and anger,maketh together a brimstone, wherein the fire  burneth, and continually kindleth itself with this matter ; for it is a great bitterness, wherein the mobility of the life consisteth, as also the striker up of the fire.

27. Now we know also, that every fire hath a shining and glance,and that glance goeth in itself forth from the source [or quality],and enlighteneth the matter of the source, so that in the source there is a knowledge and understanding of a [thing or] substance.  From whence a mind and the might taketh its original of doing and comprehending a will to somewhat, and yet was not there in the originality. And that will, in itself, in the source, goeth forth and maketh a  liberty for itself in the source, and the will desireth the liberty,that it might stand therein, and hath its life from the will in the light,and in itself, in the habitation, liveth without source.And yet there it standeth in the originality,in the ground of the source.

28. Thus, my beloved, worthy, seeking mind, know and observe that every life standeth upon the abyss of the fierceness; for God calleth  himself, A consuming fire; and also, A God of love; and his name GOD hath its original in Ihe love, where he goeth forth out of the source in himself, and maketh it,in himself,joy, paradise,and the kingdom of heaven.

29. We all in the originality of our life have the source of the anger,and of the fierceness, or else we should not be alive; but we must look to it, and in ourselves go forth out of the source of the fierceness,with God, and generate the love in us, and then our life shall be a joyful and  pleasant habitation to us, and then it standeth rightly in the paradise of God ; but if our life  stay in the  fierceness,  viz.  in  covetousness,envy, anger,and malice, and goeth not forth into another will, then it standeth in the anguishing source, as all devils do, wherein no good thought  or will can be, but a mere
enmity in itself.

30. Therefore these two lives, viz. the life in the loving regeneration,and the life in the originality of the source [or property],are one against another;  and because the life in the love is not inimicitious, therefore it must suffer itself to be pinched, pierced through and wounded,and upon it the cross is laid to be borne with patience of meekness, and in this bud, in this ground [soil,or field],a child of God must be a bearer of the cross ; and for this end hath God appointed in  himself  a  Day of Judgment,and of separation,where then he will reap what is grown in  every life; and herewith shall all forms of the eternal life be manifested, all must stand to the manifesting of God's deeds of wonder.

31. Therefore, O man ! look to it, destroy not thyself;see that thou grow in the ground [or field] of love,meekness, and and enter with thy life, in thyself,into the  meekness of  Jesus Christ, in  the regeneration to God, and then thou shalt live in God's source of love ; and so when the field of this sprout is taken away,then thy life is a fruit and plant of God,and thou shalt spring and grow with a new body out of the holy and pure element before God, in the life of thy dear Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Give up [or  dedicate]  thyself to it, in  this  contentious life, wholly and altogether,and so thou shalt with him,through his  death and resurrection, grow up in  a new man before God.

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